
My husband and I are high school sweethearts.  We have been married 20 years (together 28) and are enjoying the life that God is placing before us - one day at a time!

We are also a homeschooling family and this is our 10th year! 

We have the 3 children and they are each so unique. We have really been enjoying spending more time together everyday. Our reason for homeschooling was so that we could spend more time together as a family in the Word of God.   Time sure does fly by though and we're soaking up these last years with each one as they began to one by one start soaring from the nest. 

Life is good! 
God is good!

We started homeschooling when my oldest was in preschool but during that same year, I felt totally overwhelmed and did not think I could make homeschooling work for us.  He was 4, my middle son was 1, and I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd.  So, honestly I ignored what I knew God was calling me to do and I sent him to a Christian preschool and then to public school.  The schools were as great as they could be and I was there almost every day working in the classrooms and behind the scenes.  Finally, I realized that I was helping other children in a school setting.  Why on earth did I think I couldn't help my own?!  We continued on this path until Jonathan (our oldest) was in 4th grade, Stephen (my 2nd son) was in 1st, and Sarah (our youngest) was in preschool and I finally gave in to the calling that God had placed on my heart so many years earlier.  Our homeschooling journey began!

We named our homeschool Grace Christian Homeschool because although we make the wrong choices and even totally ignore God, His Grace is always sufficient.  He loves, He guides, and He directs us to where He wants us even if we take the long road!  We also came up with acronyms for GRACE as well.    

GRACE stands for God Recognizes A Child's Education in our formal since and our family one is God's Rainbow Always Comforts Everyone.  :)

Jonathan is our first homeschool graduate.  He is currently finding his own way in life.  He has his own apartment.  Life choices and life in general have given him a few ups and downs but he's continuing to put one foot in front of the other to find his way - again one day at a time.  He is currently working at a local masonry.  I cannot believe that he will soon have a 2 in front of his age!

Stephen is in 11th grade and is a sports fanatic.  He is enjoying playing basketball for our homeschool team.  He is currently working his way up to Lieutenant in Civil Air Patrol.  

Sarah is in 9th grade and also loves playing basketball.  She is quite the DIY crafter as well.  She and I get to spend a lot of one on one time together as the boys have begun to drive and work spending a little less time at home.  

God has blessed us with this family for sure!  We all have our ways and none of us are perfect but we are blessed with one another.  Homeschooling is just icing on the cake!

We're glad to have you join us here in our neck of the internet!