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Here are the remainder of our 9th grade curriculum choices. You can click on the links or pictures for more information or to purchase. Here is a video with a little sneak peak into some!
For Algebra 1, we are sticking with Teaching Textbooks.
For this year's science choice, we decided to go with Exploring Education Advanced Physical Science which is a new curriculum to us and we love the hands on experiments it includes. I really loved the fact that it comes with most of the supplies!
For English I credit, we are continuing with Logic of English, adding in another new curriculum in writing, Essentials In Writing - Level 9, and she will be reading through the Anne of Greene Gables Series.
To aid in making history a little more hands on we have decided to add this supplemental CD which includes printable challenge (review) cards, notebooking pages, coloring sheets, and lapbook accessories. Sarah loves to craft and color. These sheets are very detail oriented and not your typical elementary age coloring sheet which is so perfect for her!
We're putting together our own Home Economics course using the subscription boxes from Raddish Kids. We will be counting hours to obtain this credit and I'm adding in a few extras to go along with it such as budgeting for her ingredient list.
She is working on Spanish using the free online program from Duolingo.
Check out our Bible, History, Read Alouds, and Geography choices here.
Looking forward to a fun year!