Sunday, August 20, 2017

Back to Homeschool | Week 1

This post contains affiliate links. 

Okay, so last year I fell off the weekly updates at about week 12 - maybe I can make it to week 13 at least this year!  ☺

I had big plans to share curriculum choices with you before we started school but we all know how my plans work out sometimes!  So, instead of not forging ahead because I am already behind, I will just ignore the fact that I haven't done that yet.  

How about an all high school homeschool - say what?!  Yep, all my babies are in high school now.  This year we have a 9th and 11th grader homeschooling.  We still started with our normal first day traditions of coffee, doughnuts, pajamas, and a few simple goodies.  

We're trying out a lot of new (to us) curriculum and going back to doing Bible, History, and Geography as a family.  I asked both children if they would prefer to do that or on their own and they both wanted to do it together so we're using a mix of Simply Charlotte Mason and Mystery of History for this years Ancient World History study.  

Sarah is also a very crafty hands on learner so I knew she would want more projects to go along with her curriculum and we all were growing quite weary with Apologia's high school science courses.  They served a purpose in our family for many years but we were ready for something new.  Sarah is completing physical science this year using Exploration Education and they have such cool projects to complete. 

 She loves it so far!

This was her first project to complete - an electric racer as she studied about forces. 

Stephen is really enjoying Don't Check Your Brains at the Door which was on his reading list for last year but the school year ended before we could complete all the books I had for him to read. Here he is reading It Couldn't Just Happen.

 Another reason for no posts or random ones is this little precious one who we have had the pleasure of keeping since she was 4 months old!  She will soon be turning 1!!  We had to let her in on all the school fun too.  I can't explain how much joy she brings to our family!

Stephen, 11th grade 

Sarah, 9th grade 

I added these slaying the giants bookmarks to our school board.  There are 12 of them and they include 6 Bible verses to help you overcome each topic!  Turning point is offering them for free right now.

Overall, week 1 was a success.  I was a little frazzled on day 1 but found my footing by day 2.  I had to step out of my own comfort zone a little too as usually I purchase curriculum that is pretty much laid out for us.  Some of my choices for this year have their own schedules but I needed to do more tweaking than normal so that they would fit into ours.  So far so good!

We also can't forget our about our first homeschool graduate - see more on his happenings here.

I'm linking up with Homeschool Highlights and Weekly Wrap-Up.