Monday, August 8, 2016

5 Days of Homeschool 101 | Day 1 | Curriculum

5 Days of Homeschool 101
**This post contains affiliate links

Welcome to a fun week of homeschool sharing!  I love peeking inside other homeschools and finding new curriculum.  I must confess that I am totally a curriculum junkie!!  It is so weird planning for our upcoming school year as I am only planning for 2 instead of 3 this year!  You can read about about our first homeschool graduate and maybe pick up a few graduation tips of your own.

Curriculum - that word can bring up lots of feelings.  If you're just starting out, you may be completely overwhelmed and my advice to those of you who are is to start with what you already know.  Do you know your child's learning style? Do you know they excel in a certain subject?  Do they struggle in a certain subject?  My advice would be to spend more time researching curriculum for the areas of struggle.  Honestly, if a student doesn't struggle with a subject then most curriculum should be okay to use with them unless it totally goes against their learning style.  My favorite place to start when researching any curriculum is with the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  I know I'm on the crew but even when we took a break, I would check out their reviews before ordering anything.  

Since we're heading into our 9th year of homeschooling, I do feel like we've finally found our groove so picking and choosing does seem a little easier.  However, as mentioned before I am a curriculum junkie so it's still not completely easy!

This year in our homeschool we will have a 10th grader and a 8th grader.  Here are some of our curriculum choices for the upcoming school year.

10th Grade Curriculum

Bible - included in Notgrass and A.C.E.
Government & Economics - Notgrass Exploring Government,  Notgrass Exploring Economics and Everyday Economics
Finance - Dave Ramsey Foundations and Money Matters
Geometry - Teaching Textbooks
Spanish II - Rosetta Stone
English II - A.C.E. Paces & Heroes of History
Biology - Apologia

8th Grade Curriculum

Bible, History, & Geography - My Father's World ECC
Pre-Algebra - Teaching Textbooks
General Science - Apologia
Reading - Finish Little House Series and Begin Anne of Green Gables Series
Grammar, Spelling, and English - Logic of English 

Here is a little sneak peak inside some of our choices.

Those are our curriculum picks for the upcoming school year which I am trying really hard to have ready to begin next Monday!

Be sure to check out my fellow crewmates and what they have to say about homeschool curriculum. 


  1. Lovely choices in curriculum! I hope Rosetta works out for you. I've always wanted to try it, but our kids do Latin. Wish they had an option for that. (visited as part of the TOS review crew.)

  2. Sounds like you have a great plan for curriculum for this year. I have mine planned out just need to get it all written out, but I better hurry as we start school Wednesday.

  3. We have some of the same favorites. :-) My oldest daughter read through the Anne books a few years ago and used the literature study Where the Brook and River meet. It was really good!

  4. Some home school is really needed at the beginning of the life for some kids but after high school period they need to stay at school. click here to find out more helpful tips on writing.


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