Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Read Alouds Are Important For All Ages - Tip Day 3

5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents

This week members of The Schoolhouse Review Crew will be sharing 5 Days of Tips For Homeschool Parents.  There were some great tips on Monday and Tuesday!

We are finishing up our 8th year of homeschooling and have a 7th grader, 9th grader and a graduating Senior this year! 

Today's Tip

Begin read alouds with your children from the beginning and don't stop until they've graduated.  I still read aloud to all my children.  The Senior could really give or take our reading aloud time but I think it's an important part of our day.  We also find ourselves talking about the books we've read in general conversations which I love.  

Some of our favorite read aloud books are from YWAM Publishing.  We love reading about missionaries, presidents, and historical figures that we're learning about. I also love that most of them offer curriculum study guides for further learning as well.  I really love that these books reinforce what we're already learning in our daily studies so I'm sneaking in a little review too!

The time we have found that works best for our read aloud time is right after lunch.  We miss some days but for the most part, you can find bodies all over the living room floor, chairs, and couches listening to mom read directly after lunch.  Even hubby gets to hear a little before having to head off to work.

In case you missed them, click the days to read my practical tips for Day 1 and Day 2.

Here are just a few of the homeschools participating this week! I'll share a new set each day. Take a break and enjoy!!


  1. I miss our read aloud times. My daughter lost interest in me reading to her around the 8th grade,so I stopped reading novels. We do still sometimes read Bible and poetry together.

  2. While you are thinking of reading then you might not talk about the age facts as there has no limitation on age for reading. read here that I love for the helpful information and its really amazing.

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