Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A New Grapevine Studies Review

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

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I cannot express to you enough how much my daughter and I love the Bible studies available from Grapevine Studies

Since she is getting a little older now, I decided that we would review New Testament 1: Level 3 Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry

We are all reading through the New Testament together this school year so this fit into our plan perfectly as a great review.
Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

New Testament 1: Level 3 Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry takes you on a chronological study of the New Testament from the birth of John the Baptist through the ministry of Jesus including His temptation in the wilderness, the calling of His disciples, and much more. Level 3 is recommended for ages 10-13.  This level is available in print and digitally. We received the digital format which allows you use with more than one child. I also like the option of printing what pages I need too. When we have a lot of on the road schooling, I will print out the teacher's manual but when we're at home I just look at on my computer and draw the figures on our white board to save ink. 

It takes very little preparation each week. Mainly, printing out the student sheets which could all be done at once if you prefer. It is recommended that you spend time in prayer and read through the scriptures that will be taught for the week.
We also follow the recommended daily schedule which can be completed in less than 20 minutes per day. The whole curriculum is so simple yet so effective. The act of drawing out the stick figures really helps to solidify the scripture stories being taught.

You begin the study by stick figuring your way through the timeline. The teacher key includes a brief explanation of each timeline figure that you can read to your student. It also includes the main goals for each section.

The Suggested Schedule with completed Student Book lessons
Day 1: Timeline and Verse Review

 Day 2: Lesson page 1
Day 3: Lesson page 2 - Lesson 2 always comes with questions to review.
Day 4: Character/Event Card

Our studies also included some basic geography skills that included a teacher key. Bible words to look up in a Bible dictionary was a new skill added to level 3. I had Sarah find the words because we don't add in a lot of dictionary skills anymore in our studies. The teacher can also look up the words and share them with the student if that works better for your child.

The teacher manual includes level 3 and 4 so I had a chance to see the differences in the levels.  Level 4 has everything that level 3 does plus activities for using a topical Bible, Bible dictionary, and Bible concordance.  The manual gives the page numbers of where to find the answers in those books. There is also a quest question for deeper thinking skills.  The student is expected to research each of these options using the resources recommended.  Level 4 is recommended for ages 13 and up.

If you are unfamiliar with Grapevine Studies, we have a few posts of the different levels we have used in our homeschool. Click the links to see those posts - Days of Creation, Old Testament, and Birth of Jesus.

Below is a great chart to guide you in picking the best level or topic to fit your family.

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

Our family loves Grapevine Studies! If you are looking for a simple, fun and different way to teach the Bible to your children, check them out! You can also find out more about them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Still unsure?  Try them out for free!  Just in time for Easter, try out The Last Supper eLesson.

Click the banner below to see what my fellow crewmates thought about the other levels in The New Testament Overview Part 1 and The Resurrection Studies.  The Resurrection Studies are also 20% off during March!

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding the link to the Bible dictionary. I think we'll be ready to add that component next time around.


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