Monday, March 28, 2016

5 Days of Tips For Homeschool Parents - Day 1

5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents

This week members of The Schoolhouse Review Crew will be sharing 5 Days of Tips For Homeschool Parents.  I can't wait to read them all myself!  

We are finishing up our 8th year of homeschooling and have a 7th grader, 9th grader and a graduating Senior this year! 

Today's Tip

Today's tip is to take scheduled breaks.  It sounds like such a simple tip but I cannot tell you enough how important these are.  We have had times when we would want to finish so we would plow through and eventually we would always hit a brick wall and be forced to take a break anyway because nothing was getting done.  Ironically, I ignored this advice for our last term this school year and we are all feeling quite weary at the moment so it's probably why it stands out for me as my favorite and most important tip.  Skipping one break will be okay usually but don't make a habit of it because it usually will backfire.

I've also found for me that it isn't enough just to schedule breaks for the children, I also need them for me!  I need teacher workdays.  I need days when I can file, grade, plan, catch up on making copies for the upcoming semester, etc.  
Scheduled teacher workdays keep our homeschool flowing more consistently and keep me from that nagging feeling of always being behind!   

Attitudes change and efficiency rises just by taking breaks!  If you find that your children are rebelling or can't seem to answer a question that they've answered fluently before - take a break!  If you find yourself snapping that they should know the answer to that question - take a break!  Even better skip both of those and go ahead and schedule in your break times today!

We typically work for 6 weeks and then take a week off.  If a holiday week is coming soon we may go for 7 weeks or 5 and then break but I use a yearly calendar to schedule in our breaks at the beginning of the school year.  

Here are a few more quick tips that may seem obvious and simple but have helped me tremendously each year!
Here are just a few of the homeschools participating this week!  I'll share a new set each day.  Take a break and enjoy!!

Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Latonya @ Joy in the Ordinary
Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Meg @ Adventures with Jude
Megan @ My Full Heart 
Melanie @ finchnwren
Melissa @ Mom's Plans


  1. Oh, you are so right- scheduled breaks are a must! Even a few unscheduled! ;)

  2. Oh! I regularly schedule breaks into our school year, but I really like the idea of teacher workdays! I think I'm going to give that a try!

    1. It really has helped me not feel so frazzled each week!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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