Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Wrap Up - Half of February is Gone!

I think I start every post out lately with the same words.  "The days are flying by!".  Remember when you first had your children and every "older" woman you met warned you about those days and how fast they would fly by?  Remember how you thought they were crazy?  Well, now I can join in with them and tell you that the days really do fly by.  Babies of yesterday are men and women of tomorrow!

In our year of milestones, Stephen celebrated his 15th birthday with his favorite pie.  

Evidence of how those 15 years have flown by!

Another child on the road driving me around - yes, oh yes.  You know what I'm going to say.  They fly by!

To finish the week off we celebrated Valentine's Day a little early with some fun treats, encouraging words, and a dusting of snow!

Saw this fun idea on Pinterest and everyone loved finding their new note of encouragement on their door each day.  Pinterest win for sure!  Simple, inexpensive, and no extra calories included!

Marley enjoying the snow.

School is also moving along pretty quickly.  Next week would have been our break week but we're trying to keep going in order to completely finish by May 13th.  

What's working for us right now is for me to stay on top of the week and make sure I get my weekly planning and preparation done for the week ahead. It doesn't take that long but it sure can put us behind when it is not done!

Here is a quick peak into those weekly planning sessions:

Stay tuned for some fun review products coming soon too. We're working on an awesome elections lapbook where I have also been learning a lot.  We are continuing to stick figure our way through the Bible, conquering Algebra mountains, learning the logic of English, and writing fun stories starting with writing basics as we conquer blank page syndrome as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa!
    I'm so glad you joined us at the Homeschool Mother's Journal link-up this week. I know exactly what you mean about the phrase "time is flying" — I say that all the time, because IT IS, right?!? I love that you shared a video walk through about how you plan your homeschool week, it's always nice to see how other homeschooling moms stay on top of things. I hope you'll continue to share with us every week at the link-up!
    Renée @


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