Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Review of When Lightning Struck! The Story of Martin Luther

Today's review is from author, Danika Cooley, who has written the new historical fiction novel When Lightning Struck! The Story of Martin Luther. If you are looking to delve further into the upbringing, background, and struggles that Martin Luther dealt with, then I would highly suggest you pick up this book. What better time to be studying about Martin Luther than right now as we just passed Reformation Day.

When Lightning Struck! is the story of Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation, written for young adults.

As an older adult, I have often picked up a book to try to learn more only to come away feeling like I never really understood the background of Luther because of the way the books were written. That is definitely not the case with When Lightning Struck! The flow of Ms. Cooley's writing style often kept me on the edge of my seat to find out what was going to happen to Luther next. This is a wonderful read aloud book for families. My children also waited impatiently as our next reading time drew near. 

I had no idea of the tragedies, passion, fiery spirit, and true desire to follow God and not man that Luther possessed. His own struggles are captured so clearly in this book and make him even more real.  I came away after reading this book knowing more about his life and dedication than from anything I have ever read before. I'm passing it on to my husband next. I kept reading him excerpts and now he wants to read it too!

Martin Luther's life was too exciting not to be written for teens and younger readers! In this fast-paced, action-packed novel of Martin Luther's life, readers will be introduced to a fascinating time when princes ruled Europe and knights roamed the countryside. They'll learn about a time when powerful forces lined up against each other and believing the wrong thing could get you killed. When Lightning Struck! is far more than just an adventure story, of course. It also tells a theological story. Drawing carefully from Luther's own words, this book introduces readers to a kindred spirit who struggled with what knowing God through Scripture means for daily life. They will understand what was at stake and how powerfully liberating Luther's idea of grace through faith was—in his time and in ours! In crisp, enjoyable prose, author Danika Cooley conveys both the drama and the meaning of the Reformation for younger readers like no one before her!

When Lightning Struck! is designed to be read by middle and high school students, and is a great family read aloud for grades 3 and up. You can also download a free discussion guide and unit study guide to aid in your studies as well.  

To help celebrate this book launch, all Bible Road Trip & Cobblestone Path Products are 50% off through November 11, 2015.  Find out more about those here

Also don't forget to enter the amazing giveaway with a value of over $500 in prizes to be given away!  To keep the party going, join us on Facebook, November 10th, 2015 at 9:00pm for even more giveaways!  Can't wait to see you there!

Reformation Day Giveaway

About The Author

Danika Cooley is a married mother of four, a grandmother, a curriculum developer, and a writer. Danika's three year Scripture survey for preschool to high school, Bible Road Trip, is used across the globe. She blogs about godly parenting and homeschooling resources at Thinking Kids.

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