Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blogging Through The Alphabet with God's Word - Letter D

Sharing a little ABC's of the Bible!

I'm teaching these to my preschool class and if 3-4 year old preschoolers can memorize them, surely we can too! Forgot to add that we are learning the ASL alphabet along with the verses too. 

D is for...Psalm 34:14 - Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.

Join us as we begin a new session of Blogging Through the Alphabet.  

Letter A
Letter B
Letter C


  1. Thanks for adding the next scripture in your ABC verses series. How are your preschoolers doing learning them? When I helped in a preschool Bible class, we stayed on the same verse for a month in the hopes that they'd really get it.

    1. It is going really well! It's amazing how they soak up His Word!! We repeat often too. We're only up to letter K so far but they are amazing me. It brings back such fond memories of when my own children learned them too. sniff sniff

    2. It is going really well! It's amazing how they soak up His Word!! We repeat often too. We're only up to letter K so far but they are amazing me. It brings back such fond memories of when my own children learned them too. sniff sniff


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