Monday, September 14, 2015

Review of Stinky Kid Math

Stinky Kid Math Review

Do you ever find that your child needs extra Math help? Have you ever gone through their current math lesson and felt they just didn't get the concept and needed more practice? I know we have and often. As you reach the higher mathematics levels of Algebra and Geometry, sometimes your student might need extra help. Stinky Kid Math offers students that extra help online with Stinky Kid Math lessons.

We used Stinky Kid Math with Jonathan who is my Senior this year. He has struggled with Math and we gave up on Algebra for a while even. He has since picked the subject back up at his own speed and is doing much better with it. I think the struggle really was that we were moving too fast and he needed to practice and practice the same concept over and over to master it. He also needed different learning opportunities because just a worksheet would drive him insane but then again just going through videos gave the same result - insanity. So, what we have found is that we need to mix in all of these resources for him to give him a variety. Stinky Kid Math provides all of these varieties and we use them as a supplement to our current curriculum giving him the repetition he needs in the concepts as well.

Stinky Kid Math teaches students how math concepts work by breaking them down for you in a practical manner. They offer over 350 videos!  You can use the videos as we did and pair them with the current concept that your child is learning or you can go through the lessons in order. The videos are taught by founder, Todd Matia. We found his teaching style to be extremely down to earth. We also liked the way he broke down the concepts to make them relatable to concepts that you may already know something about. For example, when talking about graphing points, he relates the concept back to reading a map. I'm sure you've heard the question, "Where can I use this in the real world?" before. Well, Mr. Matia tells you! The video lessons are very short so it is easy to add these into your day. He also uses different background settings in the videos which we found fun too. We would try to guess where he was going to come to us from next. 

The set up is so simple and very flexible to use. You simply watch the videos related to the concept you are learning, read any textbook pages given, and complete the worksheets or pick and choose which ones you want to do.

Of course, Jonathan's favorite part of this program was the games that were offered. He said some of them were very challenging for him but he still enjoyed them.

Stinky Kid Math offers a free month trial on their website so you can see if this would be a great fit for your family or not. You can also find out more about them on Facebook and Twitter.

Stinky Kid Math Review
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