Simplified Organization is a wonderful ecourse available to you at any time of the day or night. I would highly recommend that you decide on a time that you will complete the course each day. However, I don't think this is a course you will ever actually complete because I find myself going back through the different modules all the time! It's more of a resource course that you can continually reach for on your computer shelf. That's another beauty of the course is that it's a one time purchase and always there for you. You will also receive any updates that may be added. There are forms, mp3's, videos, and many more resources available for you.
The course is set up in 6 modules that each contain a lesson, action step, habit plan, blueprint project, and tool guide:
Module 1: DECIDE
Lesson: Live a Story
Action Steps: Attitude
Habit Plan: Gratitude
Blueprint Project: Brain Dump
Tool Guide: Calendar
Module 1: DECIDE
Lesson: Live a Story
Action Steps: Attitude
Habit Plan: Gratitude
Blueprint Project: Brain Dump
Tool Guide: Calendar
Lesson: Grow in Focus
Action Steps: Health
Habit Plan: EHAP
Blueprint Project: Basic Routines
Tool Guide: Command Center
Module 3: DEFINE
Lesson: See Your Vocation
Action Steps: Paradigm
Habit Plan: Ubiquitous Capture
Blueprint Project: Vocation Statements
Tool Guide: Management System
Module 4: DESIGN
Lesson: Plan in Intervals
Action Steps: Energy
Habit Plan: Weekly Review
Blueprint Project: Intervals
Tool Guide: Weekly Time Budget
Tool Guide: Binder
Action Steps: Health
Habit Plan: EHAP
Blueprint Project: Basic Routines
Tool Guide: Command Center
Module 3: DEFINE
Lesson: See Your Vocation
Action Steps: Paradigm
Habit Plan: Ubiquitous Capture
Blueprint Project: Vocation Statements
Tool Guide: Management System
Module 4: DESIGN
Lesson: Plan in Intervals
Action Steps: Energy
Habit Plan: Weekly Review
Blueprint Project: Intervals
Tool Guide: Weekly Time Budget
Tool Guide: Binder
Module 5: DO
Lesson: Wobble in Balance
Action Steps: Iterations
Habit Plan: Morning Review
Blueprint Project: Process
Tool Guide: Daily Index Card
Module 6: DEVELOP
Lesson: Wobble in Balance
Action Steps: Iterations
Habit Plan: Morning Review
Blueprint Project: Process
Tool Guide: Daily Index Card
Module 6: DEVELOP
Lesson: Practice Serving
Action Steps: Serving
Habit Plan: Smile
Blueprint Project: Someday/Maybe List
Tool Guide: Timers and Alarms
I love this course and would highly recommend it to all who are looking for practical steps, encouragement, and inspiration to put plans in place to help your organizational efforts. This program will change the way you think of organizing or at least it did for me! If you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the course for you and really quick fixes don't last for the long haul.
Mystie has also created a sort of bonus course called Work The Plan that will only be available for a short time as well. Again, I purchased this one too and will let you know what I think but so far it's been worth every penny.
Here is a favorite quote that I think sums up Mystie's teaching philosophy regarding organizing our chaos:
"If we truly want to be effective, our planning needs to be about being prepared and ready not about being in control because of course we aren't in control - God is! ...and that's what matters, following the path of faithfulness wherever that path winds and twists."
Here is my current weekly plan list. You can download it by clicking on the image to tweak for your own needs. I am still tweaking it constantly! I know I want to add a section for writing out a memory verse each week as well but for now here is what I have.

Action Steps: Serving
Habit Plan: Smile
Blueprint Project: Someday/Maybe List
Tool Guide: Timers and Alarms
I love this course and would highly recommend it to all who are looking for practical steps, encouragement, and inspiration to put plans in place to help your organizational efforts. This program will change the way you think of organizing or at least it did for me! If you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the course for you and really quick fixes don't last for the long haul.
Mystie has also created a sort of bonus course called Work The Plan that will only be available for a short time as well. Again, I purchased this one too and will let you know what I think but so far it's been worth every penny.
Here is a favorite quote that I think sums up Mystie's teaching philosophy regarding organizing our chaos:
"If we truly want to be effective, our planning needs to be about being prepared and ready not about being in control because of course we aren't in control - God is! ...and that's what matters, following the path of faithfulness wherever that path winds and twists."
Here is my current weekly plan list. You can download it by clicking on the image to tweak for your own needs. I am still tweaking it constantly! I know I want to add a section for writing out a memory verse each week as well but for now here is what I have.

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