Friday, August 14, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up - Week 1

School is back in session!  I say that but y'all know we never really stop.  :)  We had a fantastic first week!!  We always start back slow and steady hoping to set ourselves up for nothing but a successful year.  Of course, there are always bumps along the way but we learn from those too!

Here we go with our Senior, Freshman, and 7th grader - 2 in High School!!  Say what?  Where does the time go, y'all?  We have our fun Back To School traditions which now include coffee and of course - pajamas.  Yep, we are those homeschoolers!

What a way to start back - learning about atoms by beating an egg into meringue - that's my kind of science right there!

Seeing what states we can remember from last year and State Rummy - so fun and challenging!! 

The week began with my birthday celebration.  Loved these beautiful roses and my sweet salad complete with a candle made by Sarah.  She made every meal I had that day!

And this friends is what really goes on in this homeschool.  Enjoy your days!!

Linking up with Weekly Wrap-Up.


  1. Congratulations on a successful first week - and happy birthday! This was our second week, and I celebrated my birthday during our first week of school too. Life - school…all mixed together: perfect!


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