Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Review of Tales from the Circle C Ranch

Circle C Adventures rides again and we love going along for the ride! We've been a fan of Andi for a little while now so when the opportunity came to review the latest book, Tales from the Circle C Ranch, my daughter and I were so excited. This book also has the Andrea Carter's Tales from the Circle C Ranch Learning Lapbook that can be purchased to add in extra fun as well. We received both for our review.  To see our previous reviews of other books go here and here.

Tales from the Circle C Ranch

Tales of the Circle C Ranch Bookk Review

This 150 page paperback book includes 11 short stories broken down into 2 parts - The Early Years and The In-Between Years. The collection of stories answers fan's questions that stemmed from reading Andi's Adventures in Circle C Beginnings and the Circle C Adventures series. Although it answers questions from those books, it can also be read as a stand alone book. It is a quick read with a nice font and black and white illustrations scattered throughout. My daughter and I just love following Andi through her adventures. We find ourselves trying to guess what she will do next and giggling as we read all snuggled up on the couch together. Before each short story, you are given the setting and time where this story takes place and the corresponding book that is comes before. Although, it is fiction, we always feel like we're on a real adventure. We love trying to read in our best cowgirl voices as we saddle up to see what happens next at the Circle C Ranch. One of my favorite parts is reading her stories and seeing how she applies her faith in everyday situations.

You can also see sample including the first story and the table of contents. The book can be purchased here for $7.99 plus shipping and handling. You can even get it personalized!

Andrea Carter's Tales from the Circle C Ranch Learning Lapbook

Tales of the Circle C Ranch Bookk Review

I also loved the fact that this book came with the option to purchase a lapbook because that lines right up with my daughter's learning style. She loves lapbooks and I think she will no matter how old she gets. Unfortunately, we haven't had the time to put this one into practice yet as my mother has been experiencing some heart problems so our time at home has been limited. I did print out the pages and have them ready for when we have some down time - which will hopefully be soon.

The lapbook comes with everything you need except the folders. The pages are in full color and you are given great directions on how to put the lapbook together. It even has a folder diagram labeling where to put each of your mini books. I love that! There are mini books to go along with each short story. Just some of the topics you'll cover include:
  • girls dress styles during the 1800's
  • the general store
  • history of photography
  • state fairs
  • history of fireworks
  • how to write a limerick
  • crabs
See this page for all the concepts covered. I can't wait for things to slow down around here this summer so we can dive into this. It would be a great way to reinforce the stories we've read too. We received the PDF download of the lapbook which can be purchased here for $7.00. It is also available in print for $12 plus shipping and handling or you can buy a combination of the book and lapbook for $19 plus shipping and handling.

If you are looking for wholesome books to share with your children, then you will want to check these out.

Circle C Beginnings - recommended for ages 6-9
Circle C Adventures - recommended for ages 9-14
Circle C Milestones - recommended for ages 12 +

There is also a series of books for boys ages 8-12 - Goldtown Adventures

Find out more about Circle C Adventures by visiting their Website, Facebook, or Twitter pages.

Dynamic Literacy Review

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Melissa, for your fun and enthusiastic review! I just love reading all the things folks have to say on the Crew. Some share personal stories too and that is always interesting.
    Glad you enjoyed the book, and have fun with the lapbook!


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