Monday, June 1, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up - The Last Week of Official School

I have to say official school because we always keep working on something but just in a much more laid back style.  We enjoy a little down time in the summer months!

Our last week of school ended with such a special treat - such perfect timing and I couldn't have planned a better end of the year celebration!

Everybody presented their State Reports that they've been working on and we tried to guess who they were.  The person was a famous person to their state not necessarily born there.

Sarah was Selena Gomez and reported on the state of Texas.

Stephen was Wilbur Wright and reported on the state of North Carolina.

Jonathan was Parker_Games (a YouTube gamer) and reported on the state of California.

It was interesting to see some the differences in the state statistics.  

And on our last day of school, we go out to take care of Marley and surprise!!  It was so fascinating to watch her take care of her newborn pups.  She is one good mama!!  Here the pups were only a day old.

Here they are at 3 days old - mama Marley is doing great and taking care of her bundle like a champ. We think there are 8 but it's hard to count them all since they are all jet black. They are so adorable!!

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