Saturday, September 20, 2014

It's Another Wrap-Up


Weeks 4-6 here we go...

Family Fun

Sarah and I had a fun time with friends getting our crazy hair on for a Secret Keeper Girl event.  She did mine and I did hers.  

In our homeschool

Still plugging along with our memorization of James.  Here was a great incentive idea to keep review time sweet.  We put a few little candies inside a pill box that I picked up from Dollar Tree.

A glimpse at a white board day.  We are still using Analytical Grammar along with the new Fix It Grammar book (review coming soon).  Love them both!

Sarah and I had a fun time studying all about birds this week and enjoyed a few fun activities.  It gave us a chance to work on some chalk pastels from Nana at Hodgepodge - love! 

I had to get in on the fun too so this is mine.  

My goal is to get more pictures of my high schooler in action but then I forgot my middle schooler.  Oh well, maybe between the weeks, I can get a few pictures of some of them.

Just for fun - proof that he does do something around the house - heehe.

Read Alouds

Finished Almost Home - it was so good!  MFW read alouds always make me cry, lol.

Currently reading Amos Fortune, free man which is already leading up to be another wonderful book.

Weigh In

Still stuck but back to walking consistently at least 3 times per week!  

What I'm reading

A whole lot at one time!

The Best Yes Lysa Terkeurst

James by Beth Moore

Breathe by Priscilla Shirer


  1. Loved, loved , loved the James study by Beth Moore! Rocked my world!

    1. Not sure what happened to my comment for you but I'm starting next week with this one and can't wait. I love Beth Moore's studies!

  2. Ooo Beth Moore has a new bible study! Also what is the Priscilla Shirer book about? I read her Courageous Resolution book which was very good

    1. I've just started Breathe but it's about taking the your time back. "One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe." Here is a sample video -

  3. Looks like you had a terrific week. We've been unschooling for ten years and we love it.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! That's a long time!! We're on our 7th year now.

  4. I like the idea of a wrap up. Very cool. This is my first time reading your blog! Hello.

  5. I REALLY wish I could home school (I'm a teacher) but unfortunately I can't afford to stay home.

    1. It is hard to survive on one income but possible! Maybe someday!! Never give up if it's really what you want to do. I wish we had begun earlier than we did.

  6. Our homeschooling days are still ironing themselves out since it's our first year. Thank you for sharing your days and helping me visualize what we are hoping to achieve :) Great job momma!

  7. I wish I could be braver and try homeschooling. Maybe one day. Visiting from Blogging Mommy Meetup. <3


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