Are you looking for a way to hide God's Word in your child's heart? Then, I have a wonderful resource to tell you about. We recently reviewed Wizzy Gizmo's Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament.
Included in the Fast Track Bible Pack are 27 colorful 5x9 cards with all the information right at your fingertips for studying each book of the New Testament from the book of Matthew to the book of Revelation.
The Front Side of the Card
- Each card is numbered by where it falls in the New Testament. For instance, card number 20 is the book of James - book 20 of the New Testament.
- tells how many chapters are in the book
- tells the author of the book when known along with a fact about the author
- gives a timeline of the date it was written
- contains a summary of the book including when it was written, who wrote it, why it was written, and who it was written to
- key verse of the book
- key theme of the book
Back Side of the Card
- key theme is repeated on the back
- short statement about the key theme
- outline
- key chapters
- key passages
- key doctrines
- key people
These cards are for all ages - from the little bitty (well you may not want your toddler to eat them but you could certainly share the information with them!) to adults.
You can find suggested uses by age here.
How we used the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament Cards
We are currently using these cards as a family during our family devotion time as well as during our school lessons. In school, we are tackling the hard task of memorizing the entire book of James so we are using the James card to aid in our memorization. Reading the outline and key passages have helped to aid in our memorization task by connecting what we are memorizing with the who, how, when, and where. During our family devotion time, we are working on memorizing the dates written, number of chapters, author, and key theme by reviewing one card per week with a cumulative review of each card already taught in previous weeks. Here's our simple schedule allowing great flexibility for well - when life happens!
- Introduce new card by reading the front including all information. This takes all of 3-5 minutes at the most. The interesting facts given in the book summaries contain fun facts for the kids and I have learned new information as well!
- Review dates written, number of chapters, author, and key theme of current card and any cards learned previously
- Read the outline and key chapters
- Review dates written, number of chapters, author, and key theme of current card
- read key passages
- Review dates written, number of chapters, author, and key theme of current card and any cards learned previously
- read key doctrines
- Review dates written, number of chapters, author, and key theme of current card and any cards learned previously
- read key people
I have not done so yet but I am also thinking of adding memorization of the book outlines for my high school student as part of his Bible credit this year. I think learning the outline of each book of the New Testament will be a great way to hide it's contents in his heart!
I also think these would be great to share with children at church in Sunday School and Wednesday night studies as well!
These and other Bible aids by Wizzy Gizmo can be found here. The Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament sells for $14.99 plus shipping and handling. These Bible fact cards can be punched and held together on a ring. I would suggest punching at the left bottom corner if you did that because every inch is filled with information on these cards. You could also put the cards in small page protectors and a binder for easy viewing, access, and storage as well. The cards are not laminated but made out of a strong durable card stock material.
Our family loves these cards and thinks they are a great resource for any household trying to teach the Bible.
Other Places To Find Wizzy Gizmo