Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Review of Analytical Grammar's Beyond The Book Report

Analytical Grammar Review
We recently were given the opportunity to review Beyond the Book Report by Analytical Grammar.  

We added in Analytical Grammar to our course load this year for all 3 of my children.  It was just what I was looking for to continue teaching my children grammar and classical sentence diagramming.  I did find that my children needed more training in basic grammar, punctuation, and usage. They did not take Jr. Analytical Grammar but I think it would have helped fill in the gaps if they had in hind sight. 

Analytical Grammar Review
Since we were already big fans of Analytical Grammar, I was really excited to receive Seasons 1 and 2 of Beyond the Book Report.  Even better, when I received my package Season 3 was also included! Again, it is the perfect fit and exactly what I was looking for!  Stephen, who just finished 7th grade and is headed into 8th, used Beyond the Book Report along with myself.  Often, I like to go through courses with my students.  I really like to do this when I don't feel confident teaching the course myself.  Teaching literature and writing is an area where I can use much growth!

Analytical Grammar Review

Beyond The Book Report is available in 3 different seasons for middle school aged children.  There are suggested schedules to follow depending upon your child's level.  Even though Stephen is headed to 8th grade, we chose to follow the 3 year schedule.  This schedule allows us to finish our Literature and Grammar studies in just an hour or close to it. For my oldest, who is in high school, we will be following the 1 year schedule. 

You can see the schedules clearer here and also see exactly what is covered in each season of Beyond the Book Report here.

Season 1 covers:
The Basic Book Report
The Pamphlet Book Report
The News Article Book Report

Some of the activities you will complete are paraphrasing a favorite scene, completing a reading log, making your own answer/question crossword puzzle, literary terms worksheet, making your own pamphlet book, news article on favorite scene. 

Here is a sample of how the reading log works:

Season 2 covers:
The Poetry Book Report
The Drama Book Report

Some of the activities you will complete are a reading log, writing 4 different types of poetry, plot summary, dramatization of your favorite scene, and crossword puzzle.

Season 3 covers:
The Oral Book Report
The Essay
The Research Paper

Some of the activities you will complete include a reading log, plot summary, power point presentation, essay, and research paper defending your thesis statement.

The activities in all 3 seasons come with a sample in your teacher packet visually showing you what to expect from your student.  You can find some samples of each season's different activities here.

Each season includes a DVD that contains video instructions, video lectures, power point presentation slides for note taking, PDF rubrics, activities, and assignments allowing you to print out the necessary items for each child in your family.  Also included is a teacher packet with a step-by-step teaching schedule and guide, examples of all the student work, and a glossary of terms. 

The combination of video lectures, printables, and samples were valuable resources to me as the teacher.  They helped me to know exactly what to look for in my student's work and truly gave me step by step directions.  I cannot express to you how much I loved the rubrics included!  Maybe it is my checklist personality but those were exactly what I have been looking for and didn't even know it!  I have always struggled in knowing how to give a grade for writing assignments but with this rubric, I know exactly how to grade.

The book Stephen chose to use for his reports was The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.  We watched the video instructions together and he used the step by step rubric instructions to complete Season 1. We are still working on Season 2 currently. We should be able to start season 3 for the upcoming fall school year and I plan to let Sarah, my 6th grader, and Jonathan, my high schooler, begin with Season 1 in the fall as well.  I looked through all 3 seasons and watched some of the video lessons.  The lessons are clear and concise on what is expected from the student.  

I loved the introduction to independence that is given in these lessons.  Your student could take the lessons and rubrics and complete each activity completely by themselves.  You would need to print out the worksheets, but your teacher packet tells you exactly what is needed for each lesson.  Not only are there video instructions for the student but there are also a few video instructions directed to the teacher that you would also benefit from watching.

Combining Analytical Grammar, Beyond the Book Report, and a vocabulary of your choice will complete your middle school Language Arts.  I also think this is a great program for high school if your student was never taught these skills. They do have a High School Reinforcement set for high schoolers as well.

You can purchase each season of Beyond the Book Report for $24.95 each or purchase them in a bundle pack for $69.95.  I think these are well worth the price considering the tutoring you receive for both your student and yourself!

You can find out more about Analytical Grammar on Facebook and Twitter.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 07/28/14

Trying something new - creating a menu plan pinterest board for weekly planning. 

Here we go...

Follow Melissa Langley @ gchomeschool's board Weekly Menu Planning Board on Pinterest.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Review of Apologia's Flourish: Balance For Homeschool Moms

Flourish Book Review
"Exhausted? Overloaded? Teetering on the brink of burnout?"  Those are the words found on the back cover of Flourish: Balance For Homeschool Moms published by Apologia Educational Ministries.

If you can or have ever answered yes to those questions and I'm pretty sure we all have then this is a book for your nightstand table.  This book is for moms!

Flourish Book Review

The author, Mary Jo Tate, has homeschooled her four sons since 1997 all while maintaining her own business and on top of being a single parent.  She has much wisdom and insight to offer many homeschool moms.

Flourish can be purchased here for $15.00 plus s/h and comes in paperback.  It contains sixteen chapters consisting of 288 pages.  The chapter titles are:

   1. An Invitation To Flourish
   2. Change Your Mind to Change Your Time
   3. The Freedom Toolbox
   4. Where Did My Time Go?
   5. Aim High: Setting Goals
   6. What Do I Do Next? Seven Essential Planning Tools
   7. We Interrupt This Program
   8. It's Time For an Attitude Adjustment
   9. Oxygen Masks and Monkey Bread Days
  10. Training Your Children
  11. Making Memories
  12. Managing Your Home
  13. All of Life Is Learning
  14. Solo Act: Flourishing as a Single Mom
  15. Home Business
  16. Moving Ahead

Inside these chapters, Mary Jo Tate walks beside you and gives you lots of advice and help to set up a plan not only for your homeschool but for housekeeping, training your children, maintaining a home business, and more.  Each chapter walks you through your plan of attack but she often reminds you that just making the plan and not taking action to put the plan in place will not advance you to where you want to be.  So at the end of each chapter, she also gives you a take action plan.  At the end of chapter one, you are given a Pre-Book Self Evaluation.  Then at the end of the book, you are given a Post-Book Progress Check where you will examine areas of growth and areas that still require more work.  

She also includes samples of her own schedules that she used in her home including her daily planning list, weekly planning list, and chore charts.  There are blank forms in the book as well as at her website so you can customize them to fit your needs.

An Inside Look Into a Few Chapters

In Chapter 4's take action plan, you are to keep a time log of what you do for every half hour for at least a week.  The forms are included for you to fill out.  This was an eye opening task.  It clearly pointed out to me that I take the time for what I want to get done.  It's easy to say I don't have time for something but in reality I make the time for what I want to do.  I think I should complete this assessment at least once a quarter if not monthly.

Chapter 8 was a great read and reminder for me on keeping my attitude in check.  It will be an earmarked chapter that I will definitely need to re-read again because it was filled with awesome steps I should take when I'm feeling overwhelmed, fearful, negative, or just down right frustrated.

Chapter 11 gives you an action plan to make the time to spend special one-on-one time with each of your children. Below is how Sarah and I chose to spend our day.  This was another great reminder of how fast my children are growing and how quick these memory making times are fading away. Although, our day out wasn't exactly cheap she does encourage you to spend some time making a list of simple and inexpensive things to do with your family as well.  For us, some of those would include a local dollar movie theatre, spray park, playing skip-bo or any card game, playing chess, and eating a huge slice of watermelon.  

Inside Chapter 13 she shares a day in the life.  I always love "looking" inside other homeschools so that was fun for me to read.  Her writing style is engaging and easy to read.  It feels as though you have your own personal mentor leading and reminding you of what is important.  She doesn't hesitate to challenge you to examine and ask yourself the tough questions.  

I would highly recommend that all moms take the time to be encouraged and inspired by the wise words of Mary Jo Tate in Flourish: Balance For Homeschool Moms.
Find out more about Flourish: Balance For Homeschool Moms on Facebook and Twitter.
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Menu Plan Monday

Okay, I use to do this a long, long time ago and I still write down a menu plan in my weekly planner usually on Sunday nights but I want to share here too for accountability and for new ideas!  Our monthly grocery budget is $500 and at least $400 of that is spent on food.  I pretty much stick with the same meals because I know what they require and what they cost but as often happens I've hit a rut!

This week is VBS week!  What a week to start!  So, my motto has to be keep it simple!  I don't assign meals to days but simply list out six meals for the week.

Pasta, salads
Tacos, rice
Rotisserie Chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans
Sausage dogs, ff
Breakfast foods
Oven bbq chicken, spinach, mashed potatoes

Now, off to check out Menu Planning Monday for more ideas!

It's Here! The Homeschool Bundle Sale - One Week Only!

Homeschooling Curriculum On Sale for up to 92% off - One Week Only!

The "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition sale is here!

For one week only (July 21-28) save up to 92% on bestselling homeschooling products, including MANY from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 list!

Take a look at the bundles:

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Charlotte Mason Bundle

This bundle features complete curriculum using the Charlotte Mason Methods for language arts, handwriting, and reading, a full geography curriculum, a plethora of resources for studying nature, artists, poetry, and a variety of "extras" just for mom!

Included are popular products: Write From History, Sheldon's New Language Lessons, Handwriting Lessons Through Literature, Fine Art Pages, Grapevine Bible Study, and more!

Learn all about Charlotte Mason and enjoy a special bonus (a $90 value all by itself)—the top 5 best selling G.A. Henty audio books from Jim Hodges Productions. This bundle is jam packed full of amazing resources your family will love!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Tots & PreK Bundle

Teach your littlest ones about God's amazing creation and the value of virtue using our Tot & Preschool Bundle!

Included are popular products from: We Choose Virtues, Character Concepts, Grapevine Bible Studies, and more!

This bundle gives you a complete Christ-centered preschool program, including age-appropriate character-building tools, a stick-figure Bible study, a creation-based coloring book, a handwriting curriculum, an independent activity guide (for those times when you need a moment to focus), and much more!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! K-3rd Grade Bundle

Teach your K-3 children basic skills and core truths through easily understandable lessons and hands-on activities. Our K-3 Bundle includes reading, math, science, handwriting, character training and Bible resources.

Your children will experience life in 17th century America as they learn about the settlers and our 13 original colonies. You will have everything you need to savor these first days of discovery!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Elementary: 4-6th Bundle

This bundle features Wordsmith Apprentice from Common Sense Press, a Cathy Duffy Top 100 Pick! Included is a science curriculum teaching Geology, also from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 Picks.

You will also find "Mapping the Word With Art", a highly acclaimed curriculum that has a blend of history, geography, and art. There is more: Bible, handwriting and copywork resources, writing guides, timeline cards, ancient history notebooking pages, creative writing for both boys and girls, and an editable weekly homeschool planner for Mom - all for one LOW PRICE!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Middle School Bundle

Your middle school students will tour the classical world and develop academic excellence using our Middle School Bundle.

This bundle features Learning Language Arts Through Literature and two science curricula, one from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, as well as your choice of volumes from "A Child's Geography" - a complete geography and history curriculum!

Also included is a popular history timeline/book of centuries, Renaissance and Reformation notebooking pages, a classical music curriculum and famous composers notebooking pages, and a creative writing collection that even "non-writers" will love!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!High School Bundle

Your high school students will develop academic mastery and intellectual maturity using our High School Bundle.

This bundle features a New Testament Bible curriculum, an introduction to psychology, a full year of math curriculum, resources for world history and geography, philosophy, home economics, college prep, grammar, a creative writing collection that even "non-writers" will love, an anatomy science unit study from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, and more! You will receive enough materials for a full year of high school!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Bundle Just for Moms!

Save money, strengthen your marriage, and streamline your schedule using our Mom Bundle. Find the encouragement you need and the insight to speak to your child’s heart (even that difficult child!).

Whip your home into shape and train your children to do their chores effectively with a Easy Peasy Chores ($18.99 value!) This bundle brims with useful tools to help you bring calm to the chaos. Get them all for just $10!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Build Your OWN Bundles

Would you rather hand-pick your selections? There are two "Build Your Own" Bundle Options!

You can choose any 5 products priced $19.99 and under for just $25 ~ a savings of 75%!

You can choose any 10 products priced $19.99 and under for just $39 ~ a savings of 80%!

SO many amazing products to choose from!


Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

*Lots of ways to save!

  1. When you purchase ANY 2 pre-assembled bundles you will get the 3rd pre-assembled bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  2. When you purchase ANY 2 "build your own" bundles you will get the 3rd "build your own" bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  3. Tell your friends about the "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition Sale using our referral system that is found on the top of the website! When 10 of your referrals visit our site using your unique link, we will give you a code to save 10% off your total purchase!
*The B2G1 50% off offer applies to pre-assembled or "Build Your Own" Bundles only. Discount taken off the lowes priced bundle. See site for complete details and FAQ.

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Don't Forget - Just a few days away!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
*The links below are my affiliate links.

The BIGGEST digital homeschooling curriculum sale EVER is coming! Mark your calendars!

Save up to 92% on popular homeschooling curriculum!
ONE WEEK ONLY - July 21-28, 2014!

The pre-sale giveaway will be ending soon as well!  See bottom of this post for more details.

Click here to be reminded | Enter to win $100 towards your bundle purchase

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

What is the "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition Sale?

The "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition is designed to contain the best educational digital products on the internet! Sprinkled throughout the bundles are well known publishers, including products on Cathy Duffy's Top 100 list!

Unlike overwhelming bundle sales with nearly a hundred ebooks, the "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition is a brand new concept that will allow homeschoolers to pick and choose what they want to purchase ~ all at a MASSIVE discount of up to 90% off!

Take a Sneek Peek at Our Bundles:

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Tots & Preschoolers Bundle

Teach your littlest ones about God's amazing creation and the value of virtue using our Tot & Preschool Bundle!

This bundle gives you a complete Christ-centered preschool program, including age-appropriate character-building tools, a stick-figure Bible study, a creation-based coloring book, a handwriting curriculum, an independent activity guide (for those times when you need a moment to focus), and much more!

Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Bundle

Teach your K-3 children basic skills and core truths through easily understandable lessons and hands-on activities. Our K-3 Bundle includes reading, math, science, handwriting, character training and Bible resources.

Your children will experience life in 17th century America as they learn about the settlers and our 13 original colonies. You will have everything you need to savor these first days of discovery!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Elementary: 4-6th Bundle

Your 4th-6th graders will develop foundational skills and gain insight into the ancient world using the comprehensive collection of resources found in our 4th-6th Grade Bundle.

This bundle features both a science curriculum and a creative writing course from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks. You will get a popular curriculum that has a blend of history, geography, and art. Also included: Math, Bible, handwriting and copywork resources, writing guides, timeline cards, ancient history notebooking pages, creative writing for both boys and girls, and an editable weekly homeschool planner for Mom!

Middle School Bundle

Your middle school students will tour the classical world and develop academic excellence using our Middle School Bundle.

This bundle features a full language arts curriculum and two science curricula, one from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, as well as a complete geography and history curriculum, a popular history timeline/book of centuries, Renaissance and Reformation notebooking pages, a classical music curriculum and famous composers notebooking pages, and a creative writing collection that even “non-writers” will love!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Bundle for High Schoolers

Your high school students will develop academic mastery and intellectual maturity using our High School Bundle.

This bundle features a New Testament Bible curriculum, an introduction to psychology, a full year of math curriculum, resources for world history and geography, philosophy, home economics, college prep, grammar, a creative writing collection that even "non-writers" will love, an anatomy science unit study from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, and more! You will receive enough materials for a full year of high school!

Charlotte Mason Bundle

Amazing things await you in our Charlotte Mason Bundle!

This bundle features a complete curriculum using the Charlotte Mason Methods for language arts, handwriting, and reading, a full geography curriculum, a plethora of resources for studying nature, artists, poetry, and a variety of "extras" just for mom!

Learn all about Charlotte Mason and enjoy a special bonus (a $90 value all by itself) of great, classic audio books! This bundle is jam packed full of amazing resources your family will love!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Bundle Just for Moms!

Save money, strengthen your marriage, and streamline your schedule using our Mom Bundle. Find the encouragement you need and the insight to speak to your child’s heart (even that difficult child!). Whip your home into shape and train your children to do their chores effectively using a popular book "chores program".

This bundle brims with useful tools to help you bring calm to the chaos. Get them all for just $10!

"Build Your Own" Bundles

Our "Build Your Own" bundles offer you the opportunity to select a certain number of products with a retail price of $19.99 or less for up to 80% off! We have MANY items to choose from, including Cathy Duffy Top 100 Picks!

When you purchase a combination of any 2 "Build Your Own" bundles, you will get the 3rd one at 50% off!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

*Lots of ways to save!

  1. When you purchase ANY 2 pre-assembled bundles you will get the 3rd pre-assembled bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  2. When you purchase ANY 2 "build your own" bundles you will get the 3rd "build your own" bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  3. When the sale goes live on July 21st, tell your friends about it using our referral system that will be found on the top of the website! When 10 of your referrals visit our site using your unique link, we will give you a code to save 10% off your total purchase!

    The image will look like this:

Now, if you are like me, you might forget about the sale when it gets here! We are prepared to send you a reminder email. Click here and enter your email in the "Remind Me" box and you will get an email the day the sale goes live!

Pre-Sale Promotional Giveaway - Enter to win $100 towards the purchase of ANY of our individual or "build your own" bundles! Winner annouced the day the sale starts!

What can you purchase with $100? You can purchase up to 3 of the pre-assembled bundles PLUS have money left over to put towards something else! Bundle prices vary, but they range from $10 - $69, which is up to 92% off retail!

Enter to win $100 towards your purchase at Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale! One Week only - July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!