In my life this week…
It's been a rough week. It's been one of "those" weeks. I'm a planner. If you've been here before, you've seen that I need a plan. I enjoy a plan. A plan makes me happy. I also know that things don't always fall into said plan no matter how hard you try. So....
In our homeschool this week…
The big news is we're starting high school over pretty much with my oldest son. He's been extremely unmotivated, struggled, and not put forth the effort that I know he has in him. He's never liked school and always tried to do the bare minimum. Well, this time he's going to have to face the consequences of his actions. I hate it for him. As his mom, I wanted it to be easier for him - to guide him, for him to take it, run with it, flourish but sometimes "the plan" just doesn't go that way. Sometimes, you just have to learn the hard way. You have to fail to gain. Sometimes the easiest way isn't the best way at all. You choose the hard way but often times that hard way makes the biggest impact on your life. That's what I'm holding on to! I know that in the end God has a plan and His plan is so much greater than mine could ever be! We both need more accountability. The weekly meetings just don't work with this child. He needs to be held accountable but then again he needs to learn to do things on his own as well. We're enrolling him in the CLASS program, praying that having to be accountable to someone else besides mom will be another wake up call. He's so close. His desires aren't college but just to make it through. He can do this! Will he?......
Times like this is when I love having those who have been before me to lean on. I hope I can be that way for others when we make it through too!
In other news, Stephen and Sarah had a good week. During our study of the Medieval period, we made some stain glass out of paper and put together our castle. We also had some fun practicing for National Number Knockout.
We also had fun celebrating Valentine's Day and believe it or not - more snow!!
I’m cooking…
Here is a video of our dinners for the week.