Friday, January 31, 2014

Purex - Bright Washes Bright Wishes

Laundry is fun!  Wait, don't leave!!  Ok, so maybe it's not fun to all.  It's really not fun to me either.  It's mundane and never ending but there is the blessing of actually having laundry to do!  So, perspective can be a great thing!

To make laundry even better, Purex will pay $.05 per bottle to Make-A-Wish for the first 4 million bottles of 75oz+ liquid detergent sold from February 1st - February 28th, 2014 and will increase the payment amount to $.10 for every bottle above 4 million, with a minimum guarantee of $200,000 and a maximum of $300,000.    

Purex brand will also pay $.08 per bottle to Make-A-Wish for the first 620,000 bottles of Classic and Ultra Lines in Mountain Breeze and Sweet Lavendar fabric softeners sold from February 1st-February 28th, 2014 and will increase the payment to $.10 for every bottle above 620,000, with a minimum guarantee of $50,000 up to a maximum of $100,000.

So, now laundry can include giving!  How awesome and fun (see told ya :)!  If you are not familiar with Make-A-Wish, they grant wishes to children with life threatening medical conditions.  We have several families in our area who have received Make-A-Wish wishes.  It is such a uplifting and strengthening time for families to be able to share in the joy of of a child they've watched be so sick and brave.

I have more great news!  Thanks for reading this far.  I will be giving away 2 coupons here on my blog to 2 subscribers!  The coupon entitles you to a free bottle of Purex Mountain Breeze detergent!  Just fill out the rafflecopter details below for your chance to win!  Contest starts at midnight on 2/1/14 and ends at midnight on 2/8/14!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can learn more about the Purex Bright Wishes, Bright Washes campaign here.

*Disclaimer:  Purex Laundry Detergent provided me with Purex coupons in exchange for sharing the Purex Make-A-Wish campaign.  However, all opinions expressed here are my own!


  1. Yes.. I have tried it. It did a good job on my clothes.

  2. Yes I have tried Purex, we are regular users.

  3. This company is awesome for what they are doing. My little boy is a cancer patient and Make A wish toughed his heart last year. Made his wish come true. This laundry detergent works. I've used several times.

  4. I use Purex laundry soap and crystals.


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