Friday, December 13, 2013

Review: Online Learning with

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As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I have been given the opportunity to review Yearly Membership Option.  If you are not familiar with, it is a wonderful website with a wealth of resources brought to you by the fabulous The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

At first glance, the site can be overwhelming as to where to even begin but it didn't take too long for me to start navigating my way around.  I have always been a fan of The Old Schoolhouse homeschool planners and that's the first thing I went straight to.  If you have been reading here long, you know I have a love of planners!! Well, all 5 planners are included for free with your paid membership. That's a $125.95 value alone.

My second stop was straight the Site Content page where I assumed I could get a better overview of what was available and I was right!  Here you will find all the lessons available for every subject, and I mean every subject from fine arts to the 3 R's!  You'll see it doesn't stop there. There are also resources for parents such as menu planning, articles on various topics, back issues of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, checklists for lesson planning, transcript resources, archived lessons, and much more.  The extras are absolutely wonderful!  To me, they are worth the cost of the yearly membership alone- no kidding!  Some of the extras included are access to discounts and free resources from other homeschool vendors, free monthly e-books, and free expo recordings.  I listened to an expo recording from Ray and Charlene Notgrass from May on "Homeschooling The High Schooler - You Can Do It!"  It was such an encouragement to me "as such a time as this" since I have a high schooler and another one headed that way in a few years!  It wasn't just fluff either.  It was almost 3 hours long and full of encouragement, tips, goals, step by step instructions, and inspiration to keep me pressing toward my goal.

Enjoying the expo :)

For now, we are focusing mainly on the daily tasks which could not have come at a more appropriate time. For us, it's hard to do our normal routine during the holiday season since we are going here and there for extra holiday activities.  So, the daily tasks are simple and fast but still allow a review and training the brain time!  Included are daily grammar, math, copy work and so much more.  See below for a screen shot of the dailies included in your yearly membership.

Subscription Information
You can try your first month for $3.  After that, the monthly subscription is $12.95.  You can save 10% by paying annually for $139.  That subscription amount is not per child but per family so if you have more than one child, the deal gets even better!  With so many courses available, you can use your yearly membership as your core curriculum for your entire family from preschooler to high schooler.  Everything you need is right there in one place.  You can also just pick and choose what you wish which is how I like to choose our curriculum.   During the month of December, when you purchase your yearly membership option, you will have the opportunity to gift a free subscription to someone else and get the gold membership of Applecore System for free (the silver membership is included already with your yearly membership).  That deal is only for December so you will have to act quickly if you want that.  Click here to subscribe today!

Our Thoughts

I've already alluded to this earlier, but we are very excited to dive further into and see what we can learn.  Two options we are looking forward to next is the Home Economics course and the Photography Course.  We are so excited to give those a try in the new year.  For less than $5 per month for each of my children to explore new courses, we would recommend Yearly Membership Option as a wonderful resource for any homeschooling family and think this one is well worth the cost!

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  1. I'm looking forward to listening the Expo recordings too! The extras that come with the membership are amazing value aren't they? Victoria

  2. They really are - can't wait to listen and explore more!

  3. I have listened to several of the expo recordings as well. They are a valuable resource. I love that you shared a photo of yourself listening. :) Nice review Welcome to the crew.

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  5. While not quite as advanced as online learning education, at the time this was already a big step towards improving the educational system. AD List 24 Classifieds


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