Saturday, August 31, 2013

Weekly Wrap - Week 3

In my life this week…
A few more subjects added in and fall routine schedule started back this week.  Soccer hasn't started yet but it should begin next week too.

In our homeschool this week…
Things went pretty smooth this week.  It was a great week overall and our focus is the early Roman empire.  

My favorite thing this week was…
One of Jonathan's assignments for the week was to write a short play.  We are reading Julius Caesar together and enjoying it too.  We are both very thankful for the modern English version.  :)  We also acted out his play on Friday and had a blast doing that. 

Things I’m working on…
tweaking the fall routine - I want to do some fall cleaning, ie: closets, cabinets, spiderwebs, etc

I’m grateful for…
My life - so thankful for the freedom to make the choices we make!

I'm reading...
Glorious Grace with HelloMornings
Living Beyond Yourself - this is a reread

A couple of videos to share…

Weekly Planning including how I store our MFW student sheets.


Linking up with Weekly Wrap-Up, Our Days, and The Homeschool Mother's Journal.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up- Week 1

We started with our first day traditions!  One of our traditions is a very slow start to ease back into schedule so the main focus this week was Jonathan and his 10th grade curriculum (My Father's World - World History & Literature).  I worked with him all week so that he will be ready to be on his own next week.  

Jonathan began with the Roman Empire and reading Julius Caesar.

Stephen and Sarah did Spelling, Reading, and Stephen decided that wasn't enough for him so he started his Math. Love a child with self motivation!

It was a great week and we ended with a last minute little mini vacation!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day Back To School 2013-2014

We have our annual back to school traditions in our homeschool and this year was no exception.  
Step 1 - Slow Start
We start back slow and add in subjects gradually as not to overwhelm any of us! 

Step 2 - Candy
There is almost always some sort of treat waiting for everyone on their desks when they return and it almost always involves sugar.

Step 3 - PJ's
Pajamas are the required attire for the first day of school!

Step 4 - Coffee
My children love coffee as much as I do so they love starting the first day with a nice cup of joe.