Monday, July 29, 2013

Our Homeschool Room/Corner/Area

Not much has changed this year but here it is - incomplete and all - our homeschool corner.  :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Keepin' It Real and Staples Haul

Yes my homeschool does get messy!  Here's the proof!!  Also included are some supplies I picked up from Staples.  I love school supplies!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Meet Our Homeschool Students

Back to Home School 2013

They were really nervous but it was fun.  We will have a 10th grader, 7th grader, and 5th grader this year.  

Curriculum Choices Coming Soon.  Linking up at Classic Housewife.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Yearly Homeschool Planning

Ok, I stepped way out of my comfort zone for this but I had a few questions that I wanted to answer and thought a video was the easiest way to do it.  

So, here it is!!  Let me know what you think and if you can actually understand my ramblings.  :)  If you have any more specific questions, do leave those in a comment below and who knows you may get to "see" me again. 

Here are larger photos of the forms that I showed in the video since they were kind of hard to see.

5j's calendar - her year

Our year planned out.

 My Father's World grid - Week 1

Extra:  My planning sheet :)

Linking up at Mama Moments.

Friday, July 5, 2013

2013-2014 School Planning Time

We have been enjoying the long (and rainy) summer days!  But I know in the back of my mind that back to school is right around the corner.  So, I'm taking little chunks at a time to gear up for the big day which looks like August 19th for us.  I know I want to finish by the end of May so I work backwards allowing some flex days when things just don't go as planned.  :)

Thanks to Joy at 5 J's for the yearly calendar.  I use it every year for my annual planning.  She offers it for free here!