Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 19

We've had a lot going on!  We need to buckle down and get back on schedule.  We've taken some time off and had some fun events happening.  Box Day for next school year has arrived already!  We all wanted to dive right in, but I guess we better finish this year first.  :)  

In my life this week… 

I finished up our last Beth Moore Esther study with the ladies at church.  We are all excited to begin the next one!  God has truly gifted Ms. Moore and I'm so glad she shares!!  I made these candy bar wrappers to give as a reminder of our study.

In our homeschool this week… 

We had a great week with a fun little snow flurry - giving us a quick pause in our schedule.  Yeah, this seems to be about all we can get in the south.  :)

We also had science club where the kids got to make their own volcanoes and watched a demonstration on elephant toothpaste.  

A few weekends ago, we had the privilege of attending a local Dance Revolution tour.  It was awesome!  Not only did my children enjoy dancing ALL DAY LONG, but I loved the message and the time to grow closer to the other studio parents.  Sarah gave her presentation on her experience at CC.  She's wearing a t-shirt and bracelet that she purchased while she was there.  We love the shirt and the saying - on the front:  HOLLA, on the back:  LUJAH!  Can you guess who our artist study was on?

Things I’m working on… 

Cleaning the Shelves...
Be sure to check out my post here and here for some items that we no longer need and really need to get rid of to make room for more.  More to come soon!

I’m grateful… 

That my God holds me tightly in His hands!!  Here's to a wonderful new week full of His mercies and grace!

I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-Upand Collage Friday. I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!


  1. I love box day! It's so distracting!!! :) I hope you have a great week.


  2. Hooray for you, Melissa! We ended up ordering both RtR and AHL last Friday, so our 'box day' should be sometime this week! Looking forward to doing MFW along with you!

  3. It is so exciting!!! I really want to stop and dive in!!


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