Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up - Week ?

It's been a while since I've updated.  Really, I know that we are on Week 13, because the top of my well planned My Father's World agenda tells me so.  Other than that, I'm doing good to know that today is Friday. 

I didn't plan a break, but God had one planned for me.  It started with the flu, which ran it's course for about a week, and then the icing on the cake - bronchitis.  My chest felt so tight that I could hardly breathe.  It sounded like pop rocks going off inside my body.  After a breathing treatment, antibiotics, an inhaler, and 2 weeks of rest from couch to bed, I can say I feel human again!!  

My darling little angels took care of their mom and did a week's worth of school ON THEIR OWN - oh independence - how sweet it is!  Sure, I pretended to be teaching as I dozed in and out of consciousness the first day.  Finally, I just forget it and they carried on - by themselves!!  The day has come and I need to shout it from the roof tops!!  That is the goal isn't it?  To teach our children independence and survival for themselves, so that they may one day leave home and do the same with their children.

I'm not saying that we are completely there, since I did have to remind my child to fix his bed this morning.  We've only been doing that for 14 years now.  But times around here, they are a changin'!

And I'm ba-a-a-ack!

Joining The Homeschool Mother's Journal and Weekly Wrap-up.

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