Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up - Week ?

It's been a while since I've updated.  Really, I know that we are on Week 13, because the top of my well planned My Father's World agenda tells me so.  Other than that, I'm doing good to know that today is Friday. 

I didn't plan a break, but God had one planned for me.  It started with the flu, which ran it's course for about a week, and then the icing on the cake - bronchitis.  My chest felt so tight that I could hardly breathe.  It sounded like pop rocks going off inside my body.  After a breathing treatment, antibiotics, an inhaler, and 2 weeks of rest from couch to bed, I can say I feel human again!!  

My darling little angels took care of their mom and did a week's worth of school ON THEIR OWN - oh independence - how sweet it is!  Sure, I pretended to be teaching as I dozed in and out of consciousness the first day.  Finally, I just forget it and they carried on - by themselves!!  The day has come and I need to shout it from the roof tops!!  That is the goal isn't it?  To teach our children independence and survival for themselves, so that they may one day leave home and do the same with their children.

I'm not saying that we are completely there, since I did have to remind my child to fix his bed this morning.  We've only been doing that for 14 years now.  But times around here, they are a changin'!

And I'm ba-a-a-ack!

Joining The Homeschool Mother's Journal and Weekly Wrap-up.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 8 & 9

The weeks are turning into blurs!!  We have so much going on and I really don't see it stopping any time soon!

In my life this week… 

More activities including snakes in the pantry, Pastor Appreciation, Trunk or Treat, having a special time with my sister at Women of Faith, and another dance at our local festival - Whirligig!

This is NOT something you should find in your pantry as you are throwing something away!

Sign we made for our pastor.  We also searched all over and finally found 100 grand bar and at that at the end although it is not pictured.  We really wanted him to have that 100 grand, lol.
Fun with my sis!

Trunk or Treat
The Whirligig Festival

In our homeschool this week… 

crayfish and owl pellets - oh my!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… 

Coming up this week is a prayer walk, birthday party, and science club.

Things I’m working on… 

Sarah and I finished this wreath inspired by a friend who was inspired by pinterest.  Go Wolfpack!  Unfortunately, we hung it on a command hook - it fell and broke in half!  So, we are still working on putting it back together again.  

I’m reading… 

Homeschool Supermom NOT - very good so far!
Homeschool Supermom...NOT!

I’m cooking… 

Not much lately!  I need to change that and get back to menu planning and budgeting around here!
I’m grateful for… 

Everyday in November, I'm listing 3 thankfuls a day so here's what I have so far.

Jesus - my Savior, redeemer, and friend
My husband
My children
My morning coffee
Cool mornings
Pumpkin anything :)
Shawn being off and joining us
God's Word
Friday Bible Study with some special ladies

Church family

I’m praying for… 

My uncle who was recently diagnosed with cancer and it has spread.  :(  I would appreciate your prayers as well!

I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-Upand Collage Friday.  I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!