Monday, October 29, 2012

Catching up - Week 7

In my life this week… 

Making memories :).  That's why I haven't had time to update here!  

In our homeschool this week… 

We finished up week 7 at home with Classical Conversations (CC) and week 6 with our local community.  

We also completed week 7 of our My Father's World curriculum.  We are skipping a lot of the science experiments right now due to time.  We cover enough science in CC for me.  :)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Pumpkin Patch Field trip!
Shake, shake, shake - butter we will make!

My favorite thing this week was… 

The kids sharing their faith through dance at the local Festival of Faith.  They also enjoyed the other activities at the festival!
What’s working/not working for us… 

So far we are still enjoying everything that we are doing in our curriculum choices.  I'm second guessing myself again on Teaching Textbooks.  Honestly, I am not even sure why!  The kids love it, it gives me flexibility since it grades for me, and everyone is doing well with it.  So, what's my problem?  I don't know!!  I'm crazy like that - anyone else?!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Join the Schoolhouse Crew!

It's that time again!!  If you want to apply to be a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew here is your chance!

So what does it take to be a Schoolhouse Crew Review team member?
1. You must have a blog
2. You must have at least 22 public followers
3. You must homeschool

Those are the requirements but I'd also like to add a few from my experience.  
  • You will need to be flexible in your curriculum.  It is not always each to switch gears midstream especially something you are really enjoying.
  • You will need extra time worked in your schedule to use the items and then to write your review.
  • Your children will need to be willing to review the items.
The Crew has been a blessing to our family but I will say that it is not for everyone.  I would encourage you to pray before applying and discuss it with your husband and children.

 2013 Schoolhouse Review Crew Application

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crew Review: Beeyoutiful

I would not really consider myself a girly girl but I do love to wear makeup.  I have some red patches to my skin so I wear foundation pretty much every day.  My skin is extra sensitive and extra dry so I have to be careful what products I try.  I usually find one and stick with it but recently I was given the opportunity to review mineral make-up by Beeyoutiful.  I researched the product before accepting the review and found that their make-up is made from 100% minerals with no fillers or additives.  It is also gluten free.  With that in mind, I felt I would be safe to give it a try.

This is the package I received.  You can never get back a first impression and I was impressed and excited just from seeing the presentation of the make-up.  

Included in this adorable little package were the colors I had chosen for myself and 2 brushes.   It included foundation and eye mineral makeup that could be used interchangeably as eye shadow or lipstick. 

So the fun began! I must admit that I have never used mineral makeup before so it was all very new to me. Thankfully, Beeyoutiful also sent along a DVD of how to apply the products I had chosen. You can also watch them online here.

First up was the foundation.  I chose the color Fiona.  It came in powder form and I used the same process given in the video.  I generously applied moisturizer to my skin and then tapped out a small amount of the powder into the foundation lid.  Since my skin is extremely dry, I added moisturizer to the powder and mixed it together with the foundation brush provided.  After mixing completely, I applied the foundation to my face using the foundation brush.  The feel of the make-up is really light and airy and doesn't feel like you have on makeup at all.  It also took a very small amount to get the coverage I wanted.  There are over 20 foundation colors available in 4 gram weight for $25 each.  Go here to find your perfect foundation shade.  Samples of each shade are also available for $1 each.

The foundation brush is so soft!  It sells for $11.

Next up came the eye shadow/lipstick shade.  The beauty of the powder is that is can work in either area.  I chose the apricot shimmer and a sample shade of the pink rose dust.  There are over 45 shades available in .45 gram weight for $10 each.  You can also purchase samples for $1 each.

I applied these using the combo brush also known as the multi use brush.  It sells for $6.50.

I applied apricot shimmer to my lips using some lip balm mixed in with the minerals.  Again, it only takes a very small amount to cover the area. This is all I used.

Then I used the other end of the combo brush to add a little of the pink rose dust as eye shadow.  

And here is the ta-da! I even timed myself - 15 minutes later and that was stopping to take pictures!  The foundation lasts well but I have a tendency to eat lipstick so I would need to reapply by noon I'm sure.  :) 

Sorry no super models were available.  Ha ha.

I would highly recommend this makeup.  It feels so wonderful and light, goes on quickly, and a little goes a long way!  There are also many other products available by Beeyoutiful including moisturizer, lip balm, and so much more!  


Some of my fellow crew mates tried out other shades of the mineral makeup and other products so be sure to see what they thought!

**Disclaimer: As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received free products for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation.