Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 6 - The One With The Sinus Gunk and NO pictures!

Monday and Tuesday went well and as planned but when Wednesday morning rolled around three of us were majorly D-R-A-G-G-I-N-G.  We did finish our school work for the rest of the week but other than that not a whole lot was finished.  I spent a lot of time just lying around doing nothing.  Today, I am climbing atop Mt. Laundry and Mt. Hot Spot times a million to prove it!!

Yesterday, we were all pretty much on the mend - thank you Lord!  Stephen still has a lingering cough so we skipped all of his activities for this week.  He really wanted to go to his game this morning but it was sprinkling and cool and I didn't want a relapse so I made the call for him to stay home.  

High School - MFW - AHL (9th grade)
Jonathan is doing so well with this curriculum!  I am very pleased with his progress.  It is a lot of reading for him but the use of audio books is really helping in that area.  He still probably wouldn't tell you he likes it but he's getting -er done. Isn't that a lesson in itself?  I will never forget a quote from a fellow homeschool mom along those line.  "It doesn't have to be fun, it just has to be done!"  One of his weekly subjects that I love most is the service project.  Here are some that he has done so far...

  • grass cutting for grandmother
  • volunteered at food bank
  • volunteered at church with food ministry project
  • volunteered at church to sharpen pew pencils and fill envelopes (this is a bi-weekly project that we do as a family)
  • our homeschool group teen club also meets once a month with a service project in mind - this month it was cleaning the local pregnancy center.

MFW-CTG Week 5 (6th and 4th grades)
We are studying Ancient Egypt right now and learning a lot about pyramids.  The Bible memory work is the books of the Old Testament which my children already know very well so we've used it more as review time.  Sometimes, we don't complete everything given in the lesson plan but that is the beauty of the curriculum.  You can easily pick and choose what works best for you!

Classical Conversations
Our community is on week 3 but we are on week 5 at home.  I know it isn't recommended to go ahead but it works for us and gives my memory master plenty of time for review and learning.  We enjoy coming up with our own songs and motions so it works for us.  It also helps me to learn the memory work in case I have to sub which is coming up next week!  Again, another curriculum giving flexibility to homeschoolers. 

We have now officially added in all our subjects for the year!  Both Stephen and Sarah started Rosetta Stone Latin this week.  We are doing it informally and they only practice for 15 minutes a day. 

On the home front...
I recently won 2 gorgeous Tabletop Truth place mats in a giveaway over at Mom's Toolbox.  I picked these two and my children have enjoyed being "the special" person for the day who gets to use the placement.  

The backs of all of them look like this which I love too!

I really want to add to our set now.  I just love them!

I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-UpMFW Highlights, and Homeschool High. I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!


  1. Glad you all are feeling better!! The place mats are great!

  2. Popping in from HSMJ to say hi. Love the placemats they are gorgeous :)


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