Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 3 - Happy Birthday Sarah!

School weeks are just flying by!  My plan is for us to take a break every 6th week since Shawn will be off most of those weeks.  So, we only have 2 more weeks before we break!

Things are plugging along smoothly.  The "new" subjects this week were added with ease and so far so good.  

Jonathan began with Apologia's Physical Science and he really enjoyed the 1st week.  I purchased the lab kit available with it to make my life easier and it did just that.  I think my theme this year seems to be - make my life easier. :)

My scientist getting ready for his 1st experiment with atoms and molecules.   

Again, I have to say - love My Father's World -AHL and the plans they have laid out for us.  Jonathan is really doing well this year and I am very proud of his work effort.  He cannot stand school (so he says) but I see it differently when he is passionate about his work.

Next week's "new" subject for him is Math - Teaching Textbooks Algebra.

Stephen and Sarah's week has also gone great.  We are plugging along with our Bible/History reading in Genesis and ended this week with The Flood.  We are also using My Father's World-CTG for our lesson plans with them too.  I make copies of the grid for them and mark their individual subjects like reading, grammar, math, etc on their sheet and they use it for their checklist.  

We completed Week 2 of our Classical Conversations Memory Work.  Until we start with our community next week, we are just simply going over the weeks and doing a little copywork from sheets I printed off of CC Connected.  We can hardly wait to see our friends in our community next week!  Speaking of our community, one of the ladies there introduced me to a new CC resource that I had not heard of.  It is a weekly teaching plan available for Cycle 1 for the first 12 weeks.  I went ahead and ordered that as well.  Again, I'm all about ease this year.  If someone has already done some planning for me, I don't mind just copying theirs instead of trying to reinvent the wheel myself!  With that said - I'm sure there will be some tweaking still on my end.  :)  Next week, we will add in our lapbooks for Cycle 1.

We ended the week with Sarah turning 9!  My baby - 9!!  Time just goes too quickly.  She enjoyed her day by building her present and making her own cupcakes (her request).  

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

The bowl with no sharing!  :)

I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-Up, and Collage Friday.  I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!


  1. Melissa -- what a great week! The LEGO Friends set would be a dream come true in my house. Both of my children love anything LEGO. I enjoy reading about your CC Memory work, etc... I am thinking we may try Classical Conversations next year because we already do so much of it at home, and it would just be fun to be part of a community.

    Blessings to you for a wonderful holiday weekend!

  2. I have a little girl asking for the Lego Friends set for Christmas... LOL I love LEGO! Happy Birthday to Sarah!

  3. Happy birthday Sarah! And I think it's the same for me here - whatever is easiest! I decided in the spring that I was through with photocopying all the time. ::sigh:: Sure, I've done a little or printed out some stuff, but I figured I'm not saving enough money by copying to justify the time and energy! LOL

  4. we really love CC! Each year I rethink staying or not and so far we've stayed each time - mainly for the community!

  5. she will love it! Sarah wanted to go to Chucke Cheese but she kept asking on the way home for us to hurry up so she could play with her house, lol.

  6. Just poppin' in to let you know I nominated you for a bloggy award because you always ALWAYS encourage me!


  7. that is so sweet - thank you! Back at you!!


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