Friday, September 21, 2012

Are you interested in joining The Schoolhouse Review Crew?


My 3rd year with the crew has really ended.  Although I have a few review items left, I resigned from taking on any more.  After second thought, I probably shouldn't have signed up through the summer months since we really like to take those off and reviewing during the summer didn't really feel like a break.  I found myself dreading the reviews instead of excited to use them.  So, with mixed emotions - I resigned several months ago. 

I love the crew and it has been hard seeing all the new products going out and not receiving them but I prayed over my decision for months.  The current crew year is about to end and I thought some of my readers might be interested in this wonderful opportunity for their homeschool! I'm trying to look at my resignation as an opportunity for a new family to receive the same blessings that our family did when we first joined the crew!

See if any of the following requirements sounds like you!

Have you been wondering what it would be like to serve on the Schoolhouse Review Crew? Do you have a blog? Do you enjoy using new products and telling your friends about them?

Very soon, The Schoolhouse Review Crew will be taking applications for the new Crew year, beginning in January. If you are interested, I'll give you a couple of hints now about how to get your blog ready!

  1. Make sure you are blogging frequently (at least a couple of times a week). If you don't have a blog yet, start one now and get busy!). 
  2. Make sure you have a way for folks to follow your blog, and then work on getting some followers! You will need at least 22.   Let me know and I'll follow you!  :)
  3. Of course, you must homeschool :)
  4. If you have written reviews in the past, revisit them. Make sure they are fun and interesting. You readers should really be able to get a clear picture of how you used the product in your homeschool, add pictures of your kids using it, tell why you liked it, or why you didn't (in a tactful way, of course). 
  5. If you've never written reviews before, start with something that you use now and write about it. (same instructions as #4)
The expectations for the Crew are high. They want homeschool moms who really love to blog and write and are willing to commit to using the products we review. In fact, you are required to use the products and every review is reviewed for content. Watch the blog over the next couple of weeks for more information. But start getting ready NOW!

You can also friend The Schoolhouse Crew on twitter and facebook for upcoming details.


  1. Sorry to hear you are leaving us. You will be missed.

  2. Thank you! I will miss you guys too!

  3. How do you do that collage thing with your pics?

  4. and it's free :))


Thanks for stopping by - let me know that you did!