Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

We are ready! 2012-2013 School Area

Our first week of school will begin Monday, August 13 and we are ready!  Here are a few more areas of our school room.  This room is located in our bedroom so we share the area.  I try to keep it all separated so it doesn't feel overwhelming.  We changed things a little from last year by adding individual desks.

We meet at the school table and the kids will finish their work at their desks.  The chairs will be rolled from area to area - yeah they love that!  The grey chair is mine and I sit in front of the bookshelf where my teacher manuals and supplies are stored.

This desk is for my freshman - he is pretty much independent now but still likes to stay in the room with us.  He does have a desk in his room though if we are too loud.  :)

Calendar area - my birthday was Friday.  :)

Birthday goodies - I am loved!

MFW-AHL books for Jonathan

 Sonlight Readers For Stephen

Here are some fun back to school goodies waiting on each desk for Monday!  Simple but they love it!  I am a big fan of Crayola. 

See this post on getting ready for our My Father's World Lessons.


  1. Looks GREAT! I've been getting things ready here too. But we're not supposed to start until Sept. 4th. The kiddos and I were too excited to start Mystery of History though...soooo...we're a couple chapters in! Ooops.


  2. what volume? We loved MOH but switched after volume 2.

  3. Fabulous - I am still drooling over your CC board.

  4. We're just right at the beginning with vol 1


  5. So nice and organized! Love it that you have space to all work together.

  6. Nice room. I am also a fan of Crayola. I need to buy some paints for my youngsters.

  7. Becca & David NelsonAugust 14, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    Crayons was most of our school supplies purchase, too. A nice big box with lots of colors and erasable colored pencils very important around here!

  8. Great space! Thanks for sharing! Blessings for a great year! (And, Happy Birthday!)

  9. Just found your you tube videos and I am excited to see where you go with it. Just found your blog too! thank you for sharing cannot wait :)

  10. I have all boys (as it looks like you do, from the picture), so your page looks like a great reference for me as I'm considering home schooling next year! Keep up the helpful posts!

  11. Love the room! It looks to be pretty functional and organized. Two things that I still struggle with. I do like the changes you made as the older kids tend to want a space of their own to study.

  12. I actually looked at your older post describing the homeschool area. I am really impressed by the improvements. Thanks for sharing your learning area. It's really inspiring.


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