Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's a Wrap - Week 2

This week we added in My Father's World - Creation to Greeks for Stephen and Sarah.  They LOVED every part of it.

During the year we will be preparing for and celebrating some of the feasts.  This week's feast was the Sabbath.  We prepared our challah (bread) covering and spice box but we are going to wait until dad can join us for the celebration so that will be next week.  We simply used a small t-shirt and fabric markers.  I have a tendency to "over do" things in my mind and then because my mind made it so elaborate, I'll just skip it.  So, my goal was to try to keep it simple!  Each person of our family added to our covering which makes it very special to us.
Our history focus this year is Ancient, so we of course started with creation.  I love how My Father's World has everything already done for me!!

We have just recently begun using some of the stick figuring through the Bible lessons from Grapevine Studies and we love those.  This week we used the Days of Creation eLesson that we received for free.  Be sure to sign up for their newsletter for free downloads.  It is such a simple yet effective way to cement Bible facts.  Here is our board with some of the days of creation.  
We had many favorites this week but a lesson from God and the History of Art was one of our favorites.  

It taught about Joni Eareckson Tada and artist frustration.  Our job was to draw a butterfly sample using our teeth.  Not an easy feat at all but such a reminder to be thankful for that we can do and take for granted, daily!

Stephen drawing and results

Sarah drawing and results

Jonathan drawing and results.  We quickly learned pens and markers were easier than pencils!  Jonathan did great!

My drawings with marker and pencil.  :)

Reading is going well.  We are using Sonlight readers.  Stephen is having a difficult time getting through Mara, Daughter of the Nile but he is pushing through hoping his next book comes soon.  

Math is going extremely well.  All 3 are using Teaching Textbooks and love it!  I have said before how much I love math so I still cannot believe that I gave math teaching over to a computer but I can finally say that I love it too.  It gives me time to take Spanish along with Jonathan.  :)

Here is another art lesson - simply drawing lines as close and straight as you can.  That was really hard!  I think Sarah found this one easier.

We also began our Classical Conversations memory work.  This week, they copied all of week 1.  I'm saving our lapbooks for when we start back with our community in September.  We start early at home to help Stephen who loves trying to obtain Memory Master.  

To continue our baby steps back to school, Jonathan added in Spanish this week.  Next week he will add in Science.  Stephen and Sarah will be adding in our read aloud.

Until next week!  I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-Up, and Collage Friday.  I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!


  1. laughing "baby steps back to school" -- how true. Hope you have a great week!

  2. The t-shirt idea was good!

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