Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Week Back To School!

In our homeschool this week…

We wrapped up our first week back to school!  We are taking things slow and easy so it was a great, smooth week.

We started the week with our First Day traditions of the 3C's and a P.  Coffee, Candy, Crayons, and Pj's.  No 3 R's here.  Just Kidding, they come later!

hmm...the sun was kinda bright that day.  

It took several takes but here are my babies. :)

Let's see what we can do to wake up these kiddos? What's that? Deodorant on the kitchen counter...hmmm. Hubby is working strange hours - maybe he was still asleep too.
Cheers and Yum!  They all love coffee as much as me!  We usually have a Saturday morning coffee date too.  The first day of school morning coffee break comes only after a few subjects have been complete.  That was math and reading for Sarah and Stephen.  Jonathan finished Bible (his favorite), History, and suffered through the New Answers Book. (see below)

Jonathan had the fullest load this week as he began HIGH SCHOOL.  9th grade freshman, really?  The time sure does fly by.  He really enjoyed his grid lesson plan with everything laid out for him from My Father's World - AHL and so did I!  Ahem...excuse the laundry - just keeping it real.  :)

He actually did very well with everything except 1 book.  

The New Answers Book is just not his cup of tea.  So, I told him I would put him out of his misery and we would read that one together.  Honestly, it's not my cup of tea either.  It's a great book, don't get me wrong, but D-E-E-P.  I think we need to start with a kid's version.  I know high school is suppose to be the Rhetoric stage but I'm not quite sure either of us are there yet!  I find my eyes glossing over at times too.  I do think it has some important points and concepts so we will keep going with it - for now.    Next week, we'll add in Spanish.  

Stephen and Sarah started with a very light week.  Sarah was disappointed.  This child LOVES school and to learn.  She wanted more but I told her I really needed to be there for Jonathan this week and she will have me for the rest of the weeks (shared, of course).   They will start My Father's World - CTG next week.

If your looking for curriculum, I have some for sale.  I'm hoping to add more soon!  

Until next week!  I'm linking up with The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, and Collage Friday.  I love looking at other homeschoolers weeks!


  1. Congrats on your first week of school - love the pjs!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to joining the collage each week!

  3. We're still enjoying summer for the next couple weeks...but with reviews it's not like they really ever stopped. :)

    Got my package yesterday too!


  4. very true about the reviews! Yay on the package!

  5. Sounds like you all had a great first week. We always seem to abandon one book at the beginning of every school year.
    Blessings, Dawn


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