Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Curriculum Clean Out!

I have piles of curriculum that I still need to go through!  I really want these to go to someone who can use them and not just sit on my floor or attic because we no longer need them!  We have enjoyed them and now it is time to pass them on!

I'm going to try to be as generous as possible with the pricing but if you want to make me offer - go for it!

All books will be shipped media mail with signature delivery confirmation.  Paypal only - US only!

Saxon 6/5 Student Text (has some pencil markings on some pages), solutions manual, and teaching tape dvds - $30

Saxon Algebra 1/2 student text, solutions manual and dive cd - $30 

The Reading Game - $10

 I Am Sam Little Readers - Set 1 and Set 2 - $15

 American History Task Cards - $15

First Form Latin Kit - $50

The minute reader set - $15

 Write With World - Pilot Edition - $25

 Saxon Math 3 - Teacher Edition - $20

 Envision Math - 6th grade - $25

 Aims - Solve It Problem-Solving Strategies - $10

 God's Great Covenant Student and Teacher - $25

More to come!


  1. I want your Saxon 1/2 Alg. It includes the workbook, textbook and dive for $30?

    You can email me too:


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