Monday, July 30, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: Math Essentials


We recently had the opportunity to review Math Essentials No-Nonsense Algebra.


As we are headed into high school Algebra is a top priority on our homeschool subject list.  This curriculum offers a very simple approach to Algebra.  You receive a workbook that contains 10 chapters.  The chapter titles are...

Necessary Tools for Algebra
Solving Equations
Graphing and Analyzing Linear Equations
Solving and Graphing Inequalities
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Rational Expressions (Algebraic Fractions)
Radical Expressions and Geometry
Quadratic Equations
Algebra Word Problems

Included with your purchase is an access code allowing you to watch online video tutorials of each lesson.  So, you start each lesson with the video and are encouraged to work the problems along with the instructor.  He completes the problems using a whiteboard as you watch.  After completing the video, you go to the workbook where you will read over an introduction to the lesson, find additional examples and helpful hints, have practice exercises to complete and review problems.  As you continue on through the book, also included are chapter reviews and a final exam.  Solutions are given in the back of the text as well.  

Our observations....
  • The instructor's voice was easy to understand and he explained the problems in a simple and easy way to understand.
  • The online videos were easy to read and follow.
  • The workbook problems were straight to the point and not overwhelming averaging from 12-18 problems and about 4 review problems so they could be done in minimal time.
  • The look of the book itself is not overwhelming.  It is not a fat textbook at all but at first glance you feel as if this is something you really can do.
  • Having the online videos allows for visual and auditory learning as well as the workbook giving you a more hands on approach.
  • The price for the product is amazing!!
You also have this unconditional guarantee... (from the website)

Use Rick Fisher's Mastering Essential Math Skills for 20 minutes a day as directed. If you don't see what you feel are dramatically improved math test scores, send us a note saying so. You'll receive a prompt, complete refund - no questions asked!

Math Essentials No-Nonsense Algebra can be purchased online for $27.95 - don't forget that includes the workbook an access to the online teaching videos!

We also had the opportunity to review one of Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills books on Fractions.  

This book is set up in the same simplistic style but is used for supplementing areas that your student may need more help on.  You begin this book with review exercises and then go over that section before moving on.  Then the helpful hints and new material is introduced along with one story problem per lesson.  Each is 1 page and meant to be done daily for complete mastery.  Again, the solutions are in the back of the book each lesson can be completed in approximately 20 minutes a day.  You can view sample pages here.

It can be purchased online for $11.95 or by snail mail using this form.


Be sure to check out what my fellow crew members thought about these books and others from Math Essentials.

**Disclaimer: As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received free workbooks. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation.

Back To Homeschool: What Method?

Honestly, I am so thankful that there are so many different options available to homeschoolers today!  There are year round schools, some that work 6 weeks on - 1 week off, some that break for summer.  Just as there are many schedules, there are many methods.  Do you choose classical, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, or some of all?  

It can be overwhelming at first but I've come to one conclusion that makes it simple for us.

Keep God at the center of it all!

Just as God designed us each as individuals with our own special gifts - He has given us choices to make in our homeschools.  My biggest goal for year one - spend time growing in God's word.  If we accomplished no more than this - we will have succeeded at it all.  It has remained our goal for the years that have followed.

Our main goal falls right into line with Classical Conversations'  motto - " to know God and make Him known".  I want my children to learn subjects through the eyes of a biblical worldview.  What is that?  To me - it is the belief that everything in this world is and belongs to God.  So, therefore we use the Bible as the foundation to everything we say and do - including our homeschool subjects.  They all point back to God.

If I must choose a method, I would call our method of homeschooling eclectic Classical Christian because we use a variety of curriculum and do not strictly stick to one.  We do, however, lean heavily toward the classical method but always with God at the center helping us to discern.  

Please know that I do not share any of this expecting your homeschool to be just like ours.  I share it as an encouragement to myself and others.   The comparison game is never good.  It doesn't work for children, homeschools, or life.  Take anything that is encouraging and inspiring and run with it and leave the rest behind!

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). 

Be sure to see what my fellow crewmates are sharing on homeschool methods too and don't forget to enter the drawing for The Art of Argument below!  This book is a great introduction to logic for you students.  It is almost like new!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Back To Homeschool - Curriculum


Day 2 of The Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog Hop is all about the curriculum - the nitty gritty!

Here are our 2012-2013 curriculum choices.

Our scheduled start  date is August 13th.

9th Grade Curriculum
6th Grade Curriculum
4th Grade Curriculum

Homeschool Curriculum Choice, 2012 - 2013

Our Curriculum 2012-2013 - 4th grade

Again - not my first time teaching 4th grade but a whole different curriculum than what we used before.  I think we finally found our groove.  :)

4th Grade Curriculum

We will continue Classical Conversations and drilling memory work.  This year's focus with CC.

Chronological Timeline
US Presidents
Ancient History through Pre-Reformation
Africa and World Geography
Prepositions, linking and helping verbs
Noun Declensions
Math Facts
Biology and the Earth (including nature hikes and dissections)
Scripture Memory:  Exodus 20:1-17
Fine Arts - Drawing, Music Theory/Tin Whistle, Great Artists - Giotto, Ghiberti, Angelico, Durer, Michelangelo, & El Greco, Orchestra and Composers from the Baroque and Classical Periods - Handel, Bach, & Mozart.

We will also continue with My Father's World - 5 year cycle.  This year we are studying Creation To Greeks.  This will cover History, Science, Read Alouds, Fine Arts and Bible.  These wonderful books are included...

Foreign Language - Latin

Spelling - Spelling Workout -D

Writing - Writing Strands 3
 & portions of IEW All Things Fun & Fascinating

Grammar - First Language Lessons 4

Reading & Comprehension - Sonlight - grade 3

Our Curriculum 2012-2013 - 6th grade

We have been through middle school in our homeschool before so this is not our first rodeo.  However, the curriculum choices will be completely different.  :)  Don't you just love the choices in homeschooling???

6th Grade Curriculum

We will continue Classical Conversations and drilling memory work.  This year's focus with CC.

Chronological Timeline
US Presidents
Ancient History through Pre-Reformation
Africa and World Geography
Prepositions, linking and helping verbs
Noun Declensions
Math Facts
Biology and the Earth (including nature hikes and dissections)
Scripture Memory:  Exodus 20:1-17
Fine Arts - Drawing, Music Theory/Tin Whistle, Great Artists - Giotto, Ghiberti, Angelico, Durer, Michelangelo, & El Greco, Orchestra and Composers from the Baroque and Classical Periods - Handel, Bach, & Mozart.

We will also continue with My Father's World - 5 year cycle.  This year we are studying Creation To Greeks.  This will cover History, Science, Read Alouds, Fine Arts and Bible.  These wonderful books are included...

Foreign Language - Latin

Spelling - Spelling Workout -D

Writing - IEW Ancient History (Essentials - CC)

Reading & Comprehension - Sonlight - Core G

Our Curriculum 2012-2013 - 9th grade

This year I admittedly say I'm shaking in my boots (read flip flops).  We will have a freshman aka high schooler aka 9th grader aka new and unknown.  

I cannot believe how the time really does fly.  Those of you with babies, toddlers, or even elementary students -


9th Grade Curriculum

drum roll please....

My Father's World - Ancient History and Literature 

This includes our Bible, History, and English.  Some of the books we will be enjoying this year.  We are beginning our new school year on August 13 - my high schooler was thrilled (insert sarcasm) to know that he was starting school a full week ahead of his siblings.  This is a recommendation from MFW so that we can get him started on the right path because he will striving for complete independence.

We also went with MFW recommendations for Science, Foreign Language and electives.

Science - Apologia's Exploring Creation with Physical Science

Rosetta Stone - Spanish


For Math, we decided to continue with Teaching Textbooks - Algebra.

After completion, Jonathan should have achieved 7 credits.

Bible: Old Testament - 1
English: Ancient Literature - 1
History: Ancient History - 1
Math: Algebra - 1
Science: Biology - 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 1 - 1
Electives: Introduction to Logic - .5
               Driver's Ed - .5

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jesus At The Center Of It All

We are in full summer swing around here but our focus remains the same - Jesus at the center of it all!  Our summer family fun so far...

We enjoyed a family trip with our church to Forward where we heard this song.  (click through to see video)  We all came back on fire for God. Whether we want to admit it or not - everyday life can hinder our passion to live our lives for Christ unless we are intentional.  So, that is our focus for summer and the rest of our lives!  I really wish I had some pictures but we were too busy having fun.  :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: Keyboarding For The Christian School


Do you remember taking typing in high school?  I do!  It was one of my favorite classes actually and I consider myself quite efficient at it.  My husband and kids are amazed by my typing skills so they were all for taking this keyboarding course.  My children have a little experience with proper hand position and technique since most of our writing papers are typed.  

In today's world, you won't see many or any typewriters in use but keyboards are everywhere.  Keyboarding for the Christian School is actually what I remember learning in my typing class - same order even but with they key element that sold us immediately.  The passages your students practice are from the Word of God.  So not only are your children learning the correct finger placement and techniques but they are doing it by typing God's Word therefore aiding in hiding it in their heart!  This course is recommended for grades 6th-12th.  We also used it with our 4th grader with no problems.

Drawing from fourteen years experience, author Leanne Beitel guides teens in touch typing and basic word processing skills specifically for Christian schools and/or home schools. Keyboarding for the Christian School gives clear directions and brief assignments with the following advantages:
  • Biblical references for each unit
  • Gives screen shot examples from Microsoft Word XP
  • Compares APA and MLA report styles
  • Uses inspiring sample texts
  • Includes timings and grading chart
  • Utilizes commonly-used proofreader’s marks
  • Text copy is formatted in 12 point Times New Roman font for readability

Each lesson is also very quick to finish making it so simple to fit into your daily routine.  Your student will learn...

  • Alphabetic Keys
  • Numbers and Symbol Keys
  • Centering
  • Enumerated Lists
  • Tabs
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) Reports
  • APA (American Psychological Association) Reports
  • Cover Page
  • Works Cited
  • Bibliography
  • Personal-Business Letters
  • Business Letters
  • Envelopes
  • Proofreader’s Marks
  • Timed Writings
  • Timing Scale
  • Tables

Keyboarding For The Christian School is also completely affordable.  You can purchase the printable e-book for $15.95.  To see what you think before purchasing be sure to visit the freebie page.  Also available for purchase are Keyboarding Lesson Plans, Elementary Keyboarding, Columns in Word, and Tables In Word.


Be sure to check out what my fellow crew members thought about Keyboarding For The Christian School.

**Disclaimer: As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received a free e-book. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: Apologia Who Is My Neighbor

We had the wonderful opportunity to review the third volume of Apologia's What We Believe Series called Who Is My Neighbor? (And Why Does He Need Me?).  We have also used volume 1 and volume 2 in this series.  


This bible textbook is beautifully illustrated in full color and with hard binding.  It is written directly to the student in a conversational style and recommend for ages 6-14.  We have used each volume with younger and older students with success as well.  This time around, we used this volume as our night time family devotion book.  It is completely versatile and we found it easy to adjust to meet our families needs.  In the beginning of the book is a very informative "How To Use This Book" section that gives you the lesson structure as well as a lesson plan.  The lesson plan given breaks each lesson down into 3 week segments allowing you to finish the book within one school year if used that way.  We have used the suggested schedule in the past with great success but this time we just simply went at our own pace and I thought that was successful as well.  This volume focuses on the biblical worldview of servant hood which means that each lesson focuses on how we are meant to become more like Christ by serving others.  

An answer for one of the most frequently asked questions...

Will the first book make sense if I don’t buy all four?
Yes. Each volume will stand on its own and constitutes a complete course of study. However, you will find the courses to be most effective if you teach them in the intended order. Each volume builds upon the previous one with a minimum of repeated material. You must first know who God is (the subject of volume 1) before you can know who you are (volume 2). You must understand who you are and how you are meant to become more like Jesus (volume 2) before you can serve others as He served (volume 3). And you must understand your role as a servant and as an adopted member of God’s family (volume 3) in order for us to work together to care for the earth, steward the message of salvation to the world, and use the gifts God has given each of us to bring glory to Him (volume 4).

Included with the purchase of your book is an online teacher help section.  Once you purchase the book, open to page xiv for the code to enter for access to the teacher help section.  It includes...

• Key themes and lesson objectives
• Vocabulary words and memory verses
• Suggested activities for use with the lesson
• Child-directed discussion questions for each topic covered in the 
lesson—you simply read them aloud to help you guide the 
• Recommended reading list for deeper study of the themes, people, and 
places discussed in the text

Here is a sample page and table of contents for Who is My Neighbor.  It can be purchased online for $39.

Also available is the Who is My Neighbor notebooking journal.  Here is where you will find many hands on activities for your student to enjoy to help seal the knowledge that they are learning in the textbook.  It includes puzzles,  questions, imaginative writing prompts, mini books, copy work, vocabulary helps, prayer pages and so much more. You can see a sample page and the lesson plans.  This resource is available to purchase online for $24.  It also is in full color but optional.  It is a favorite activity for my older children.  They love anything that makes learning not seem like learning but fun.

The last resource to go with this curriculum is the coloring book.  Again, it is totally optional but it always amazes me how much my children love this.  I don't know why it shocks me because I'm 39 and I still love to color myself!  I let them color as I read the lesson to them.  They absolutely love that.  This is one of those resources that I would have to buy 3 of because they all love it so much (even my 14 year old!!).  Here is a sample page.  You can purchase the coloring book online for $8.

Overall, we love this bible curriculum and our plan is to continue with each volume.


Be sure to check out what my fellow crew members thought about Who Is My Neighbor? (And Why Does He Need Me?)

**Disclaimer: As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received a textbook, notebooking journal, and coloring book to review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: Hewitt Homeschooling


Hewitt homeschooling offers complete curriculum packages and individual items for homeschool from preschool age through high school.  One of their most popular products is their Lightning Literature and Composition Guides.  We had the opportunity to try out the 7th grade edition.  They offer a teacher guide, student guide, and student workbook.  I did not purchase the story books along with these but they have the complete pack including the story books available on their website for $91.73...  

  • Students will read following:
  • “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling from Stories & Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
  • Various poems from Stories & Poems . . .
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol
  • "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” a short story by Stephen Crane from Stories & Poems . . .
  • The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
  • Various poems from Stories & Poems . . .
  • All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot

I loved this curriculum!  I have never heard of the company although they have been around a very long time.  

Teacher Guide
The teacher guide is wonderful.  It completely lays out a schedule for you, gives you answers to all workbook sheets and comprehension questions, and gives you additional suggestions for teaching the lessons.  It gives you suggestions for struggling learners and those who are advanced.  For instance, if one part is an easier concept than another and your child is struggling, it will suggest you start there first.  I felt like the author was taking me by the hand and guiding me through step by step.  It gave me complete confidence that I could teach my children literature and composition skills easily.  It can be purchased online for $20. 

Additional Information:
Table of Contents
How to Use and Schedule
Sample Chapter

Student Guide
The student guide is written to the student and consists of lessons on plot line, increasing your creativity, autobiography, the character sketch, dialogue, basic terms and rhyme in poetry, sound in poetry, nonce words, brainstorming, outlining, choosing a topic, writing a good opening, and instruction on four poetic forms (limerick, haiku, cinquain, and list poem). Each lesson contains a brief biographical introduction, vocabulary, comprehension questions, the literary lesson and mini-lesson, and writing exercises. It can be purchased online for $20.

Additional Information:
Table of Contents
Sample Chapter

Student Workbook
The student workbook contains additional workpages for your student to complete and can be purchased online for $20.  These workpages give students the chance to practice the skills and concepts learned in the lessons, along with composition skills (writing from note cards, rewriting in your own words, etc.), thinking skills (e.g., differentiating fact from opinion, identifying bias), and grammar review (e.g., capitalization, pronouns and antecedents). There are also optional puzzles and extra "Challenge" workbook pages.
Additional Information:
Table of Contents
Sample Chapter

I loved the layout of this curriculum.  It guides you through what to me could be an intimidating process and breaks it down so it is less daunting on the student as well as the teacher.  I would not leave out any of the components because I think they all fit perfectly with one another.  If you follow the teacher guide, the lessons are broken down into two semesters that contain 18 weeks worth of lessons each.


Be sure to check out what my fellow crew members thought about these guides and other products from Hewitt Homeschooling.

**Disclaimer: As a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received a teacher guide, student guide, and student workbook to review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation.