Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 5/25

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Let summer commence!!!!!!

In my life & homeschool this week… 
We finished our last week of school!!

We now have 9th grader!!

A 6th grader!!

And a 4th grader!!

Love these babies!!

My favorite thing this week was…
Watching my children in action!!  We also had Youth Sunday this week.

Jonathan performed FANATIC by Lecrae and Stephen was one of the dancers for Youth Sunday!

Stephen and Sarah sung John 1:1-7 in Latin and English.

Stephen also "preached" a sermon on Ruth and Noami. However, I did not have my camera at that time but  I'm hoping to get that video from a friend soon!

Things I’m working on…
I'm already in the school room taking out the old and bringing in the new!

Things I’m grateful for…
My sweet, sweet family.  

Photos to share…
Sarah wearing our Youth Pastor's wife's shoes.  :)  She's always been able to balance well!!

Congratulations, my sweeties!


  1. Yay! We just finished up a school year here, too, and already preparing for the next one!

  2. Awwww...I can't believe this year is just about over! I've already been planning/purchasing for next year. Yikes! Oh and I'm totally stealing the certificate idea from you...because it's too much fun! <3


  3. Hi Melissa,
    Coming in from MFW. You have a beautiful family (oh, that girl is precious in the shoes, lol.) We're joining CC this coming year as well, and will have 3 in Foundations, 2 in Essentials, and one in Challenge A (the placement that will be most challenging for our student AND me to adjust to, I fear.) We'll also be using CTG, though I'll not stress over how much depth we'll plunge into with it. We'll take it as deep as we reasonably can while we find our new normal, I suppose. Anway, just wanted to stop in and say hello. Been using MFW for 7 years now.

  4. I'm planning too - started before school ended, lol

  5. What a great family! I love the certificates. I think I will be copying that idea!

  6. Purposeful HomemakingJune 7, 2012 at 12:46 PM

    Congrats on finishing out the year! :)

  7. I am also trying to organize the schoolroom for next year. What a chore! I'd take laundry any day.

  8. Your kiddos are similar grades to mine, but flip-flopped gender. I've got 9th and 7th grade girls and a 3rd grade son.

  9. That is so cool! My son came in to watch FANATIC. He wants to learn to dance! Great Job! I have a new 9th and 6th grader too!

  10. Hooray for the end of the year!!!

  11. Congratulations on the end of the year! Love the last picture.


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