Friday, March 9, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 3/9

In my life this week…

The week started out with me in a blah mood but I tried to focus on my blessings and it ended much better, thank you Lord.  It is so easy to see the negative and not as easy to focus on the positive but just that simple turn around changes everything.  Somehow, your children behave, you finish things you've been putting off, your housework gets done.  It is not magic, it is focus.  

In our homeschool this week...

We only have 4 official weeks of Classical Conversations left and I am looking forward to the break!

We are still reading in Matthew and our country focus is Kenya.  It was really cool that we had family serve as missionaries in Kenya just last year so we pulled out their letter and pictures and it made our study so much more personal.

The mission team in Kenya.
 my brother in law, sister in law, and niece


Back to Saxon for Sarah and Stephen and Teaching Textbooks for Jonathan. 

Jonathan began a new writing curriculum called Write With WORLD and declared it the best writing program ever.  Review coming soon.

We continue studying American History.  We have also incorporated Task Cards to aid in our study.

We have just begun Christian Kids Explore Chemistry and can't wait to explore it further.  A review on that will be coming soon too!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We plan to spend the weekend watching the ACC tournament and cheering on the Wolfpack!

My favorite thing this week was…

Watching NC State win twice!!  Go Wolfies!! Have I mentioned we are NC State fans?  :)

Questions/thoughts I have…

What tips do you have for successfully splitting yourself among your children?

Links to share..... 

A recent photo of Faces of History night...

Can you guess who we were?  :)

And now is a great time to impress your kids with this!  :)


  1. Exactly! It's not magic, it's focus... Love that!

  2. Oh, it'll be fun to see your reviews! We're reviewing Physics. (Ugh! My nemesis! LOL But it looks doable!)

  3. Oh SO FUN! .. so glad you found your Focus with the Help of the ONE who can definately give it huh!? ... You are so right! so easy to look on the negative! if we just focus a bit harder on the positive .. its always there! :)

  4. We have 4 weeks of CC too, but I am going to miss it. I love Christian Kids explore chemistry but its a little advanced for my 6 yr old. Luckily we'll revisit the book in 3 years. Have a blessed week.


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