During the month of January, Susan at Homeschooling Hearts & Minds is hosting a virtual curriculum fair.
Week 2 - Discovering Patterns: Mathematics, Logic, and some Science. This theme can include anything to do with mathematics, mathematical thinking, numbers, arithmetic, symbolic logic, critical thinking, and math-y sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.).
Math We Love
Ahhh, Math - a subject that makes my heart sing. I know that is a crazy statement for some but I LOVE math! We have tested and tried many types of Math curriculum since I am a member of the crew. Several of those have been computer programs. I must say that on many occasions, I went into these programs already biased. My love of math leads to a love of teaching math. If my children use a computer based program then in my mind - my teaching of something I love would end! But...
I gave in with my oldest this year and purchased Teaching Textbooks. The ease of the grading was what finally did me in. Teaching math - I love, grading math - not so much. Really, I still get to teach too because if he just can't get a problem, he still comes to me. And he says he gets it better when I explain it :).
For the youngest 2, we are using Saxon. I love Saxon but for ease of our homeschool day and grading, we will be going with Teaching Textbooks for all 3 next year.
Check out these other math ideas...
- Math Lapbooks---Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 2 Angie Wright @ Petra School
- Virtual Curriculum Fair Week Two: Discover Patterns, Mathematics, Logic and Some Science by Leah @ The Courtney Six Homeschool
- A Magnificent Math Manipulative by Letha Paulk @ justpitchingmytent
- Our Math Choices - Virtual Curriculum Fair by Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool
- Math Literature?!?! by Christine @ Crunchy Country Catholic
- Learning Math at My House by Jessica @ Modest Mama
- Math Using Hamburger Paper by Debbie @ Debbie's Digest
- Math Facts or Fun? Why Not Both! by Beth @ Ozark Ramblings
- Heart of Dakota- The Fine Details- Part 2 Science by Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
- Learning Math Block by Block by Laura O in AK @ Day by Day in Our World
- Plugging Along with Math by Cindy Horton @ Fenced in Family
- What's Working and What's Not: Math Edition by Leann @ Montessori Tidbits
- Math Anyone? by Cindy @ For One Another
- Ahh, Math. by Nicole @ Schooling in the Sun
- Flying Without a Parachute: Math with no Curriculum by Pam @ Everyday Snapshots
- Math in Our Homeschool by Christine T @ Our Homeschool Reviews
- Math, Math, and More Math by Dawn Chandler @ tractors & tire swings
- Thinking Mathematically- How I Choose Math Curriculum by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset
- Discovering Patterns: Math, Logic, and Some Science by Christa Darr @ Fairfield Corner Academy
- The Science of Math by Brenda Emmett @ Garden of Learning
- "Mom, did we do math today?" by Chrissy at Learning is an Adventure
- Math, Math, and More Math by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Thank you for contributing to the Virtual Curriculum Fair. ;0)
ReplyDeleteCan you share more about what works so well for your family with Teaching Textbooks (I mean beyond the grading)? It's a program that I like the looks of, but have not gone with simply due to cost issues (I've plunked down big money on more than one math program in the past only to have to regroup and use something else). Inquiring minds what to know. ;-)
For me - it is the time I save. This is something that can pretty much be done independently from me for each child. I can get carried away with math easily so it keeps me focused too. The kids like it because they seem to finish faster than since most days are no more than 25 problems. And the grading - oh boy - that is my absolute favorite part. No planning, no prep, no grading! Time shaved off my day! Look for used also to save some $$!
ReplyDeleteFor me - it is the time I save. This is something that can pretty much be done independently from me for each child. I can get carried away with math easily so it keeps me focused too. The kids like it because they seem to finish faster than since most days are no more than 25 problems. And the grading - oh boy - that is my absolute favorite part. No planning, no prep, no grading! Time shaved off my day! Look for used also to save some $$!
ReplyDeleteThis is the second recommendation for Teaching Textbooks. I am really going to have to check it out.