Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Friday, January 6, 2012

3 in 30 - January, Week 1

3in30 Challenge

January 2012 - Week 1 Update
Overall, a great beginning!

My 3 goals for January...

  1. Homemaker - make goals for the year and divide them up for each month to work on - try to incorporate a specific plan of attack for each one.  done!
  2. Personal - drink water - at least 1 pitcher a day. To help with this goal, I am making a pitcher of lemon water every morning and trying to finish it by mid afternoon.  I have done well with this so far - now to just keep up the momentum!
  3.  Spiritual - pray daily for my spouse using 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse - done and decided I need to pass this book to my husband.  I need the prayer more than he does, lol.  Loving the ease of adding this to my day.  Such a simple but powerful thing!
A quote from Beth Moore in my Daniel Study
"Have you wounded the devil today?" 
You have the most powerful sword to do it with!


  1. Wow! You made great progress this week on your goals! Congratulations!!

  2. congrats on accomplishing your goals! i like the quote too.

  3. thank you! After a month of not accomplishing any - it felt great!

  4. thank you - I enjoy Beth's studies so much.

  5. thank you! Finally, I did it! :) Now on to weeks 2-4!

  6. Awesome! I need to look up the 31 days of praying for your spouse. I pray for him on a daily basis but I keep hearing about those book everywhere.


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