Saturday, December 31, 2011

3 in 30 January Goals

3in30 Challenge

December is behind - 2011 is behind, almost.  
On to January and 2012!

My 3 goals for January...

  1. Homemaker - make goals for the year and divide them up for each month to work on - try to incorporate a specific plan of attack for each one.
  2. Personal - drink water - at least 1 pitcher a day. To help with this goal, I am making a pitcher of lemon water every morning and trying to finish it by mid afternoon.
  3.  Spiritual - pray daily for my spouse using 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse
Happy New Year!

Classical Conversations Memory Work Binder

In an effort to get ready for the new year, I have put together this binder to use for our Classical Conversations (CC) memory work.  It also contains our weekly scripture memory for MFW-ECC.  For the cute scripture printables see Mama Jenn!

Before I get into the details of the binder - let me explain a few things.  

First, I love the Charlotte Mason Scripture memory work system and that is where this idea began.  I wanted a way for us to review not only the cycle we were currently on but the previous cycles too.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about when I say cycles - CC rotates memory work each year for 3 cycles.  We are currently on Cycle 3 and next year we will start over with Cycle 1.

Second, we love our weekly memory board and I already needed a way to file our memory sheets so I am using these in a two-fold purpose!  The current week that we are on goes up on the board and we go over this Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Tuesdays, we meet with our local CC group.

Now - back to the binder!

The tabs included are daily, odd, even, days of the week, numbers 1-31.

Here is how it works - we will start Monday, January 2nd.  So, we will review what is behind the daily tab, the even tab, the Monday tab, and the number 2 tab.  After review for the day is done, each week moves to a new tab.  For instance, what was in the daily moves to the the even, even to the day of week, day of week to number.  

Example for Monday: 

Daily Tab 
Cycle 3, Week 12 (since that is the last week we have covered)

Even Tab (since 2 is an even number)
Cycle 3, Week 1

Monday Tab (because it is Monday)
Cycle 3, Week 5

#2 Tab (because it is the 2nd of the month)
Cycle 2, Week 5

We have only been through 2 cycles so eventually we will have all 3 cycles in here and be able to review them regularly with this system.  

I'll keep you updated with how it works out!

Friday, December 30, 2011

HMJ - Goodbye 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life and homeschool this week…

We have been on a break for a few weeks with the exception of a few fun items including learning Spanish. Mainly, this week I have spent planning for a successful start back next week.

One of the resources I use as I plan is The Weekly Homeschool Planner which is on sale for 1 more day only for only $12 (regular $20). I try to plan out a semester at a time so I'm working on our second semester this week.

I have also spent some time evaluating 2011 goals and planning for 2012 goals. At the end of the year, I joined up with 3 in 30 and plan to continue making 3 goals per month into the new year.

I also did a little purging this week. Our newly straightened game shelves. This was after we purged 10 games and 5 puzzles!! We LOVE games!

My favorite thing this week was…

Christmas - no doubt!

one of our favorite Christmas traditions

All Aboard!

The Polar Express!

Goodbye 2011!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Here is a great way to start 2012! Join the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Challenge. It starts January 1, 2012. There is still time to join if you are interested!
  1. Get the e-book - receive $2 off using the code "3in30PRAYS". 
  2. Sign up for one of the overflow groups here.

**post contains affiliate links

R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish Review

R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish was created by homeschool mom Dr. Karyn Williamson-Coria.  She designed this curriculum for specific use within the homeschool environment after becoming frustrated with other curriculum she had tried for her children.  R.E.A.L. is an acronym for Relax, Enjoy, Aspire, Learn Spanish.  I love that!

The Program
There are 10 units consisting of approximately 48 weeks if used exactly as The Daily Curriculum Guide states.  I loved this guide!  For someone who loves things laid out simply and told exactly what to do - this was a dream!  Now, on the other hand it is simply a guide so you do not have to do all that is included.  But for me, I need this step by step approach.  Here is a sample of the guide for Unit 8, Week 40.

We liked the pace of the curriculum guide - there is a range of weeks for completion in each unit.  Some are complete in 4 weeks, some 5, and some 6.  Of course, if you need more time to complete the lessons it is simple to do so or if you need to move quicker with an older student you can easily do that too.

Each unit has a general theme—Greetings, Food, Sports, etc.  Each section also has an audio file so you and your children can listen to the correct pronunciation but the emphasis shouldn't be on that but on just having fun while learning Spanish.

A suggested weekly pattern of use of the material is the following:

  1. Plan which vocabulary you will study and how you will present it using the Tips to the Home Educator section for each unit. Use the Audio (download a sample) if you need it.
  2. Present the new vocabulary and have you and your child become familiar with the new words and sentences in the Vocabulary section.
  3. Use the IDEA section to come up with fun and interesting activities to continue using the language throughout the day/week. Have your child listen to the Audio to reinforce his/her listening and pronunciation skills.
  4. Practice writing the language with the ACTIVITY BOOK.
  5. Set aside some time for culture learning with the FREE CULTURE LINKS.
  6. Above all... Relax, Enjoy, Aspire and Learn Spanish!!! (R.E.A.L. Learning!)
Included in the regular book bundle is the book, activity book, answer book, and audio files.  These are available for  purchase as a download product for $49.95 or as a hard copy for $89.95 without The Daily Curriculum Guide.  With the Daily Curriculum Guide, the cost is $59.95 for download and $99.95 for hard copy.  We received the download product.  Honestly, I would pay the additional money for the hard copy but that is just me.  I also would definitely spend the extra $10 for the curriculum guide!

Since we received this during our holiday break, we have been taking it very slow and enjoying the extra activities.  One of the things we love most are the suggested songs for learning.  We are a song learning family!  We love to memorize by songs.  We are relaxing, enjoying, aspiring, and learning Spanish!

Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish.

**Disclaimer: I received a free download of this curriculum in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Are You Ready For A New Year?

It's that time of year!  At least for me anyway.  A time to reflect on what is and what is not working in our homeschool.  It's also time to plan our 2nd semester!  I'm not ready yet but I'm getting there!

One of my favorite planning tools is currently on sale until 12/31/11.  The Weekly Homeschool Planner is on sale for just $12 {down from the regular price of $20}!  Just use the code ORGANIZE12 at checkout. 

Hurry! The sale ends at midnight on Thursday, December 31st!

My favorite part is this comes in an editable pdf file that you can save to your computer and use year after year. To learn more about the Weekly Homeschool Planner, click HERE.

**post contains affiliate links

Friday, December 23, 2011

3 in 30: December, Week 4

3in30 Challenge

My 3 goals for December.......

I skipped week 3 last week - I might as well have skipped this one too but I will update to say that I'm just taking December off.  After not completing a single goal for 3 weeks, I decided it was time to allow some grace.  :)  So, see you in January!

  1. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily!  not
  2. prepare for upcoming 12 weeks of homeschool including tutoring needs for Classical Conversations. no
  3. Here's the one leftover from Nov - add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  again - nothing
Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

TNT Fantastic Stocking Stuffer or Extra Gift

I gave these tonight to my Wednesday night class which has students from 5th grade down (but my 13yo begged for 1 too :) and they absolutely LOVED them.  They are so fun and really bounce!!  Stop by your Dollar Tree and make a child happy!

I'm going back for more to add to my prize box for my Classical Conversations class too!  Oh, and they are only $1!

31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Coupon Code

There is still time to join the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Challenge.  It starts January 1, 2012.  What a great way to start a new year!  

Anyone interested in joining with me?

Follow these simple steps:

  1. You will need the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse e-book.  You can purchase it here and use coupon code  "3in30PRAYS" for $2.00 off!
  2. Sign up for the challenge here.

**post contains affliate links

Monday, December 19, 2011

31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Challenge

I'm joining the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Challenge.  It starts January 1, 2012.  What a great way to start a new year!  

Anyone interested in joining with me?

Follow these simple steps:

  1. You will need the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse e-book.  You can purchase it here for only $4.99.
  2. Sign up for the challenge here.

**post contains affiliate links

Saturday, December 17, 2011

TOS Review: The World's Greatest Stories


Our family recently had the opportunity to review The World's Greatest Stories.  The World's Greatest Stories contains Bible stories on cd/tape.  The stories are taken directly from the Bible with nothing added or deleted.  They make those familiar stories come to life through your radio speakers!

The stories are presented by George W. Harris, who has been the principal spokesman for local, regional, and national radio and television commercials for clients such as Burger King, Duracell, Pizza Hut, Sprint, UPS and Honda. Industrial firms for which he has been a principal spokesman include AT&T, IBM, American Express, Dupont and BMW.

The cd/tapes are available in six volumes in either NIV or KJV of the Bible.  We reviewed Volume 1 - The Prophets in the NIV cd version. 

Volume 1 - The Prophets includes the following
  • The Blazing Furnace - Daniel 3
  • The Handwriting on the Wall - Daniel 5
  • Daniel in the Lion's Den - Daniel 6
  • Elijah & the Prophets of Baal - 1 Kings 17-18
  • The Prophecy of Jonah - The Book of Johan

Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

Volume 2 - The Life of Christ includes the following titles...
  • The Real Story of Christmas - Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; Matt. 2; Luke 2:40
  • The Baptism & Temptation of Jesus - Matthew 3:1 - 4:23 
  • The Healing of the Blind Man - John 9 - 10
  • Things Jesus Said & Did - Luke 18:1-30; 35-19:10
  • The Real Story of Easter - John 18 - 20
Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

Volume 3 - Beginnings includes the following titles...
  • In the Beginning - Genesis 1 - 4
  • A Lame Man in Lystra - Acts 14:8-22
  • A Jailer in Philippi - Acts 16:11-40
  • The Story of Ruth - The Book of Ruth
  • The Raising of Lazarus - John 11:1 - 12:11
 Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

Volume 4 - Joshua & Esther include the following titles...
  • The Battle of Jericho - Joshua 1 - 6
  • The Book of Esther - The Book of Esther 
 Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

Volume 5 - Joseph & His Brothers includes the following titles...
  • Joseph & His Brothers - Genesis 37:2 - 46:7, Genesis 46:28 - 50:26
 Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

Volume 6 - Defeating Giants includes the following titles...
  • David & Goliath - I Samuel 17
  • Namaan the Leper - II Kings 5
  • Micaiah the Prophet & Jehoshaphat the King - II Chronicles 18-20
  • The Sacrifice of Isaac - Genesis 21:1-22:19
  • Gideon & His 300 Men - Judges 6:1-8:28
Listen to an Audio Clip NIV KJV

I would highly recommend these to every family or Bible teacher!  In today's world of go-go-go, these make it so easy to hide the Word of God in your child's heart.  My children begged for more and never wanted us to reach our destination because they knew it meant stopping the stories for a little while!

Each cd/tape can be purchased here for only $7.95 + s/h.  If you buy all six volumes at once you receive free shipping/handling!

Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of The World's Greatest Stories.

**Disclaimer: I received a free sample of this cd in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Liebster Award For Me and Pay It Forward

Gail at Stuck in the Middle with Two nominated my blog for the Liebster Award! 

I have no clue where this award started or the official details except what was shared with me by Gail so I'm passing the award forward with what I know!  

The Liebster Award is for small blogs (fewer than 200 followers) that can be described as dearest, sweet, beloved, kind, or favorite. 

I thought that was so sweet! I am honored Gail that you would think of me.

The rules for the award if you’re inclined to share the joy:
  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and leave a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.

My top 5 picks for this award are:
  1. Karen at Wisdom and Righteousness.  I love your Classical Conversations lapbooks and the beauty of your work.  Thank you for your kindness and sharing your talent.  It has been a pleasure talking with you and I look forward to getting to know you better!
  2. Mommie Kate at Practical Faith for Everyday Life and Mommie Kate.  I enjoy reading about your faith, encouragement and practical ideas!  
  3. Jill at Enchanted Homeschooling Mom. I love all the effort you go through to make homeschooling easier.  Your printables are wonderful and I am very grateful for them!
  4. Jesse at Orange Marmalade Mama.  I love seeing inside your school room, reading your reviews and knowing that I am not alone in my homeschool journey!
  5. Life with My Giggly Girls - I enjoy reading your updates each week.  You make me laugh!  I love your writing style and your reviews too!  You really have a few over 200 followers but I had to include you. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

3 in 30: December, Week 2 - the one where nothing has been accomplished!

3in30 Challenge

My 3 goals for December.......

  1. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily!  wow - I started so well with this one and then completely fell off the past few days!  I need a new strategy.  HELP!
  2. prepare for upcoming 12 weeks of homeschool including tutoring needs for Classical Conversations. have not done a thing!!
  3. Here's the one leftover from Nov - add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  again - nothing
Should I even set goals for December?  Just surviving our schedule is tough enough?

Friday, December 2, 2011

3 in 30: December, Week 1

3in30 Challenge

December - the last month of 2011.  That is so unreal!!!  I'm not waiting until the New Year to begin new health goals.  I'm going to add them in to December!  I also have a November goal that I'm carrying over because I didn't make any progress at all in that area.

My 3 goals for December.......

  1. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily!  To help with this goal, I am making a pitcher of lemon water every morning and trying to finish it by mid afternoon.
  2. prepare for upcoming 12 weeks of homeschool including tutoring needs for Classical Conversations. 
  3. Here's the one leftover from Nov - add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  
Happy December!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that it is the first day of December!  I love December.  It is a fun month for our family and we add in many traditions that myself and the children look forward to.  

Some of the fun things we do in December...

  • purchase poinsettia plants for 99 cents on Black Friday to deliver to family, neighbors, and friends in secret
  • the Jesse tree
  • Operation Christmas Child (this year we are going to the processing center to help pack the boxes for shipping too)
  • church plays and cantatas
  • search for a Christmas tree
  • have a Polar Express party
  • celebrate with our homeschool group with a Happy Birthday Jesus party
  • light the advent candles and have candle light dinners 
  • visit with family and friends through out the whole month
Thankful Thursday is hosted by our fierce crew leader, Brenda at Garden of Learning!  You can join up too!

Awesome Giveaway!

The Homeschool Crew is teaming up with Toydle to bring you a very special Christmas Giveaway!

A few fun facts about Toydle:
  • Toydle makes forts for kids!
  • Toydle is all about fun and quality!
  • Toydle makes serious toys that will last a lifetime!
  • Toydle forts are manufactured in the USA!
  • Toydle forts come with a money-back guarantee!

Toydle has offered to give 3 of their big forts away to crew readers!
(these forts are valued at $240 each!)

To enter go here!  This giveaway is only available to US residents and non crew members!  There will be Crew reviews done in January about Toydle so be sure to check back then too.

Monday, November 28, 2011

TOS Review: The Reading Game


If you want to find a game that your kids will ask to play again and again, then The Reading Game is one to choose.  The best part is, you will also be doing school at the same time!  At least that is the case for us!  Sarah, who is 8, loved the reading game and so did her brother, who is 10!  This would be a great gift to put under the Christmas tree especially for beginning or struggling readers.

The Reading Game was created by “Wordly Wise” author, Kenneth Hodkinson.  On completing the series, the student has a reading vocabulary of 180 words.
It is very simple to set up and begin play.  The game consists of six books with decks of matching cards for each book.  Each deck of cards consists of six sets of 5 new sight words for your child to learn.  Each book is about an animal beginning with a skunk.  

First, you may want to test your child to see which level of book you would like to start at.  There is an assessment worksheet available here.  We began with the beginning cards and book.

Here is a video explaining how the game works.

We played the matching game first.  Each time a card was turned over, Sarah would say the sight word.  Stephen knew these words very well already so he still played with her but she always said the words.  They would play the game twice a day until I felt that she could say all the words and then I used this sheet to make sure she knew them all.  She really wanted to get to the final stage which was reading the book!  She did really well with these and knew a lot of the words already so this was awesome reinforcement for her as well as her brother!

Dolch Word List of “service words” (pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs) that cannot be learned through the use of pictures. 60% of the words in “The Reading Game” are on the Dolch Word List for pre-k and k and makes up 54% of dolch words for Pre-K, K and 1st Grade.

This would be a great supplement to your reading program!  You can purchase The Reading Game here for $24.95 + shipping.

Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of The Reading Game.

**Disclaimer: I received a free sample of this game in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Journal - 11/26/11

In my life this week…

Happy Thanksgiving week so we took the week off to celebrate!  Our thankful turkey that we filled in with our "thankfuls".

In our homeschool this week...

Turkey drawings and cleaning! :)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Let the good times!!
 My dad

 My mom and 2nd cousin

My favorite thing this week was…

Need I say more?

Now on to Christmas!!

And to celebrate - Christmas hair, lol.