Friday, December 30, 2011

HMJ - Goodbye 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life and homeschool this week…

We have been on a break for a few weeks with the exception of a few fun items including learning Spanish. Mainly, this week I have spent planning for a successful start back next week.

One of the resources I use as I plan is The Weekly Homeschool Planner which is on sale for 1 more day only for only $12 (regular $20). I try to plan out a semester at a time so I'm working on our second semester this week.

I have also spent some time evaluating 2011 goals and planning for 2012 goals. At the end of the year, I joined up with 3 in 30 and plan to continue making 3 goals per month into the new year.

I also did a little purging this week. Our newly straightened game shelves. This was after we purged 10 games and 5 puzzles!! We LOVE games!

My favorite thing this week was…

Christmas - no doubt!

one of our favorite Christmas traditions

All Aboard!

The Polar Express!

Goodbye 2011!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Here is a great way to start 2012! Join the 31 Days To Pray For Your Spouse Challenge. It starts January 1, 2012. There is still time to join if you are interested!
  1. Get the e-book - receive $2 off using the code "3in30PRAYS". 
  2. Sign up for one of the overflow groups here.

**post contains affiliate links


  1. Doing 3in30 for the whole year will be fabulous for you. Blessings in all you want to accomplish!

  2. Look at all those GREAT games! We have 2 games and puzzles shelves. Most of the games and puzzles are stored in the playroom, but the ones that we use more often or are favorites we have on shelves in the diningroom/school room. Fun stuff!


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