Friday, December 9, 2011

3 in 30: December, Week 2 - the one where nothing has been accomplished!

3in30 Challenge

My 3 goals for December.......

  1. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily!  wow - I started so well with this one and then completely fell off the past few days!  I need a new strategy.  HELP!
  2. prepare for upcoming 12 weeks of homeschool including tutoring needs for Classical Conversations. have not done a thing!!
  3. Here's the one leftover from Nov - add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  again - nothing
Should I even set goals for December?  Just surviving our schedule is tough enough?


  1. First, let me say that I have recently decided that much water is too much water for me personally. I just can't do it.

    As for the rest-YOU CAN DO IT!!

  2. I agree with Sam that not everyone needs 8 glasses a day, even though that's what "they" say. Maybe your body is telling you that you don't need that much?

    And December is such a busy month for moms, I say go easy on yourself!

  3. So sorry you didn't get anything done. But you have 3 more weeks!!!! I am also a procrastinator at times.

  4. You can do this - baby steps :) You can also revise your goals....maybe you should make it a goal to drink 2 glasses of water.

  5. Sometimes life gets crazy and goals slack off- that's ok, you just re-group and keep going. Life is so much more than the things we check off our to-do list. #3in30 hugs and encouragement to you!

  6. Yes, December is a busy month! Aim for the water goal for sure!

  7. Thank you all for you encouragement! God will work it all out - in that I can rest assure!

  8. December is a tough month to keep goals, keep working but be easy on yourself! I also want to pass on the Liebster Award to you! It is typically given to dear, favorite, or beloved small blogs as a way to recognize and encourage one another. I have really enjoyed your blog since I started homeschool blogging. Here are the rules for the award, if you should choose to share the joy: Thank the blogger that nominated you by linking back to them; share your top 5 choices for the award and leave a comment on each blog; and post the award on your blog.


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