Friday, November 25, 2011

3 in 30 - November, Week 4

3in30 Challenge

It was a wonderful week indeed ending on the note of spending a wonderful time with family and friends.  Any shoppers today?  I used to and still may go now since everyone is probably back home and in bed.  :)

My 3 goals for November.......

  1. Get up at 7:00 except Wednesday which is a mandatory sleep in day.  :)  Done with no oversleepings!
  2. Share daily Bible verse with my Maximize Your Mornings (MYM) group.  I decided to sign up to be an accountability captain for the MYM challenge this time and I really wanted to be an encouragement to them.  There is no better encouragement to me than the Word of God!!  done!
  3. add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  I'm still not doing this one consistently and I know I'm missing out.  I would appreciate your prayers!
Happy Black Friday!


  1. Go you for the wake-ups especially! Gold star!

  2. Great job! I often have a difficult time with procrastinating on bible study homework too. :)

  3. I do those Bible studies all in one day myself- I just can't seem to keep that on track the right way- But, I am doing my personal devotions/scriptures so, I'm happy with it! I will pray for you to be where you want to be with it though- hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I'm tired from shopping- :)

  4. You're doing good! Just keep at it.


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