Friday, November 18, 2011

3 in 30: November, Week 3

3in30 Challenge

I can tell the holiday season is drawing near.  For me, that means keeping up with normal routine seems harder.  I still had a pretty good week though.

My 3 goals for November.......

  1. Get up at 7:00 except Wednesday which is a mandatory sleep in day.  :)  I overslept 1 day.  My son has not fell well this week and I have been a little under a weather too so we've done well to get out of bed at all!
  2. Share daily Bible verse with my Maximize Your Mornings (MYM) group.  I decided to sign up to be an accountability captain for the MYM challenge this time and I really wanted to be an encouragement to them.  There is no better encouragement to me than the Word of God!!  done!
  3. add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  I will do this!!  We just had our meeting last night so on Monday I will add this in!
That was to off to see what other's goals are and how they did!  You can join in the fun too!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Great job! Hope y'all get to feeling better. I like your idea of a mandatory sleep-in day- may just have to borrow that one :). Happy Thanksgiving and #3in30 Blessings to you.

  2. Great progress! I've been getting up at different times each morning. We don't get a lot of sleeping done at night right now... lol

  3. Melissa, thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. Our Y is about 7 minutes from our house. We always fizzle during the summer and I believe that's okay because we're soaking up all the Vitamin D we can and swimming almost everyday. Don't worry about the summer's hard to take that first journey back in Aug or Sept. Trust me, I know. But once you're back, you'll find that you've missed the routine and every day you go, it becomes natural again. Some days I go and don't want to be there, but at the end, I'm thankful I went. Try it again now that it's getting cooler'll break up the cold day blues!

  4. You are doing great! Keep up the good work :)

  5. Great job!! What MYM group are you? I'm in #2 :)

  6. Thank so much for the encouragement Janet!!

    Aurie - I am in group #64. It's one of the new email groups.

    Thanks to all for the encouragement! I love it and NEED it!!

  7. Oh I just love 3in30! You have some great goals!
    My friends have raved about the Daniel study... I just adore Beth Moore!


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