Today's Wisdom

Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Friday, November 11, 2011

3 in 30: November, Week 2

3in30 Challenge

I'm joining up with 3 in 30!  I really have already been doing this and have been working on 3 goals this month already so I decided to go ahead and share them instead of waiting for December!  I am an in need of accountability gal so this is definitely for me!

My 3 goals for November.......

  1. Get up at 7:00 except Wednesday which is a mandatory sleep in day.  :)  So far I have done wonderful with this this week!  Yay, me!
  2. Share daily Bible verse with my Maximize Your Mornings (MYM) group.  I decided to sign up to be an accountability captain for the MYM challenge this time and I really wanted to be an encouragement to them.  There is no better encouragement to me than the Word of God!!  Again, I rocked this! hint....I just share the verse a day that is sent directly to my email!  God's word is always right on time!
  3. add Beth Moore Daniel study to personal morning devotions.  Our church is meeting every other week to go through this study and I tend to put my homework off until this last week because it is really designed as a weekly study but I could get it done easier by breaking it up each day for the whole 2 weeks.  Okay, I have not rocked this one!  I haven't even begun yet and the meeting is next Thursday.  I still have time right?  :)
That was to off to see what other's goals are and how they did!  You can join in the fun too!


  1. Melissa, good for you!! You have done a great job this week. I SO admire you for getting up early! I have such a hard time with that.

  2. Good job on your goals this week! I'm so glad you linked up. Accountability is such a good thing! : )

  3. Keep up the good work on your goals! I really enjoy Beth Moore Bible studies, but the homework is in abundance if you wait and do it in a hurry.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!


    I finished my homework! I so agree - you will miss out if you rush through it!!

    Looking forward to gaining more accountability with you guys!!


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