Saturday, October 29, 2011

HMJ - 10/29/11

In my life this week…

Back to life, back to reality.  Vacation is over and we were basically finding our routine again this week.  Overall, things went well.

In our homeschool this week...

Challenge A - we have now stopped altogether.  It just moves way to fast for Jonathan and he was frustrated so often.  This week, he joined us in our Cycle 3 memory work because he doesn't have any of that background information and has done so well!  And we threw Latin's Not So Tough out the door!!  Not really but we will no longer use it in this house!

MFW Bible readings from the book of Matthew.  We are also finishing up our last week in North America.


I have some Math experts.  I think they are doing great - may have just a little to do with my love of math!

Learning the states and capitals, the equator, continents and oceans and drawing them all.

This week's focus and for the next 6 weeks will continue to be the US.

Sarah - We began Beginning Wisely all over again because the lessons we had done were so sporadic I felt we needed to!

Stephen - adverbs and imperative sentences

Classical Conversations
Week 7


American History - we are using The First Americans by Joy Hakim and really enjoying it!

Just our CC memory work.  Back to Anatomy next week!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Just trunk or treat at church.

My favorite thing this week was…

Teaching my 8 year old to do laundry and seeing the excitement that it brought her.  I'm starting a new laundry system.  It involves no sorting and kids doing their own laundry!!

Questions/thoughts I have…

If you get a chance, I would love a comment on my son's workload!

We're reading…


  • Instructing A Child's Heart
  • Read Alouds:  Johnny Tremain
  • Educating the Whole Hearted Child
  • Beth Moore's Daniel Study

Carry on Mr. Bowditch

Phoebe the Spy


Links to share..... 

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