Friday, September 30, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - weeks 4-6

In my life this week…

Wow, so much going on!! First up, we took a few days off from school while I had the opportunity to attend our local Women of Faith conference.  This was my 3rd year going and the best yet!!  My sister, who was just recently baptized, attended with me and we laughed and laughed and laughed.  We also cried and cried as story after story touched our hearts and triggered many memories of our own.  If you have the chance to go in your area - don't miss it!!  And Natalie Grant - oh wow, that lady can S-I-N-G!!

In our homeschool this week...

Challenge A - let me just say that missing a week is hard but I am finally coming around to the fact that I am the teacher.  We need to work this around our schedule or it will never work for us.

MFW Bible readings from the book of Matthew.  We have now memorized Matthew 4:4, 4:19, and 4:23 so far.  We are really enjoying MFW!!  This week's country focus was on Mexico.  We, of course, celebrated with Mexican food but that we do that every week, lol.


Everyone is doing well with their Math lessons.  Stephen and Sarah are using Saxon and Jonathan is using Teaching Textbooks.

Learning the states and capitals, the equator, continents and oceans and drawing them all.

Sarah - So far we have studied nouns, verbs, adjectives, and this week we added in adverbs and diagramming.

Stephen - pronouns - definition, case, person, number, gender

Classical Conversations
Week 4


American History - we are using The First Americans by Joy Hakim and really enjoying it!

Skeletal System - oh yeah :)

Here is what our mummified apple results were from the previous lesson....

The apple on the right was places in the mummifying mixture.  The left apple was the control apple.

Also this week - I relaxed!!!  I have been pushing our schooling since I knew we were going on vacation in October.  No one was enjoying that at all.  So, slowly I am learning!!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Next week the kids will be performing at Carowinds and are so excited!!  So that mean LOTS of practices for this week!

My favorite thing this week was…

Letting go!!!!!!!

Questions/thoughts I have…

We're reading…


  • Instructing A Child's Heart
  • Read Alouds:  The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Pedro's Journal (slow going but we love them both)
  • Educating the Whole Hearted Child
  • Beth Moore's Daniel Study

Carry on Mr. Bowditch

Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia

The Matchlock Gun

Links to share..... 

Lots of reviews going on this week too including some of our favorites so far!

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