Monday, August 15, 2011

Our School Room - 2011/2012

Here is our room - In this section is where we meet as a family.  We update the calendar, do our pledges, bible study and My Father’s World family studies at this table.  This is also where I work one on one with each child.  I sit in front of the book shelf so my teacher manuals and other items that I need are located there.  All of the children’s reading books for the year are there too.
In the left corner is where I keep extra printer paper, expo markers, rulers, extra pens and pencils, etc.   It is also planning central for me!
another angle - the calendar has actually been updated now :)  We started back today!
the book shelf close up
beside the bookshelf - These are my grab and go bags for Classical Conversations Days.  

This is the kids section.  Each child has 2 shelves to hold their workbooks.  Above their shelves is our Classical Conversations memory work board that holds a week’s worth of information.  The desk is the computer area and where some independent work is done.

this is my all time favorite school supply product :)) - purchased on sale at Aldi for $9.99 several years ago!
This is what our table looked liked during the summer months of preparations :)

This is a fun jeopardy game I put together to help aid in our memory work using a pocket chart.  And there you have our school room!


  1. Would love to know how you made that (and rules) of how you made the Jeopardy game????

  2. ok, let's see - there may be an easier way but here is how I did it. Warning it does take some time! One of the mama's from our community shared hers with me so I just copied her. :)

    1) made copies of the year at a glance by subject in the CC book
    2) cut out each subject week by week (yeah it takes a while!)
    3) glue each cutout to the back of the little cards (some I picked up from the dollar tree, some from the teacher store, and some were a gift)

    4) laminate and cut out each one.

    Each child would pick a category and an amount - if they could answer the question themselves, they earned the whole amount of points but they could also ask a friend for 1/2 the points. For instance - history for 200 please (sometimes I made the questions for more points harder and sometimes I just stuck them in there anywhere)

    HTH - if you have any further questions, please let me know!


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