Friday, August 5, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Summer Is Almost Over!

In my life this week….

Since last updating we completed our week of unplugged and survived!  It was a great week to catch up on some lesson plans, bible reading, game playing, and of course a fun fashion show!

My favorite thing this week was…

Putting together this jeopardy game for our Classical Conversations review time.  Oh boy - did I have fun laminating.  :)

Places I’m going…

We have a final week of summer camps coming up and then it's back to school!

Things I’m working on…

  • getting back into routine (including getting back to weekly lists!)
  • catching up on my Bible in 90 Days reading
  • finishing school room preparation
  • finishing tutoring preparation for CC

Books I’m reading…

My Bible 
How To Have A HEART For Your Kids (review coming soon)

A quote, a video, a link or pic to share…

A photo glimpse into my week..........

The planning and prepping stages - they sure ain't pretty!  (Just for you Sue!)
Doesn't everyone's house look like school threw up on it right now?

Share your week and check out what other homeschoolers are up to this summer by visiting The Homeschool Chick.


  1. You've been so quiet on the internet. Nice to see that you have been having fun with your family and organizing. My laundry doubles as school storage as well and looks like your desk!

  2. I had to laugh when I read this because I also LOVE to laminate. I am always looking for things that need to be laminated!! :-)

  3. Your jeopardy game looks great.


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