Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - First Week of School!

In my life this week…

Our first week of school!  The first day went awesome!  We eased back into our subjects and had a blast.

In our homeschool this week...

Challenge A of Classical Conversations began on Tuesday for Jonathan.  The class day went very well and we were all anxious as to what the week would entail at home.  Wednesday took a very long time with lots of wasted time but was necessary so that he could see that he doesn't have time to mess around!  He's in 8th grade and needs to focus more if he wants to finish in a timely manner.  By the end of the week, I was one proud mama of my 8th grader!  He settled, focused, and dug in head first and even finished a few things early!  Woot!  Go Jonathan!!

Stephen and Sarah are finishing up much earlier than Jonathan but we still haven't added in all their subjects yet.  My plan was to focus on Jonathan this week at least!  They are both doing well.

We are reading in MFW - God Speaks Numanggang

all review at this point

Learning the states and capitals, the equator, continents and oceans and drawing them all.


Classical Conversations
Cycle 3 - Week 1


MFW - week 1 right now but we will be adding in Apologia's Anatomy in a few weeks.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

This week we have a field trip to the local community college where we will get to see some Cherokee Indians in action.  A great way to kick off our studies!

My favorite thing this week was…

Seeing my son realize that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him!  At first, it was - "there's no way I can do that" - and by the end of the week he had done it all!

Questions/thoughts I have…

I'm still pondering how to fit everything in!!!!!

We're reading…

How To Have A HEART For Your Kids
The Core (again!)
Simply Organized
Read Alouds:  The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans

The Magician's Nephew

The First Thanksgiving
The Courage of Sarah Noble

The First Thanksgiving

Our week in pictures.....

Sarah -Reading and Math

Stephen - geography

Jonathan - Math


  1. congrats on finishing your first week! sounds a lot like ours, but yours is busier :) how wonderful for your son to feel successful! i know that feels good for both of you.

  2. We did MFW a couple of years ago. My girls LOVED Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans. I did too :) It was very interesting!

    Sounds like a great start to the new school year! We start school on Monday :/

  3. 2 of my girls did Apologia Anatomy last year. It was fantastic!

  4. I like seeing the pictures with your post. We are doing CC too, but on our own. Today my daughter reminded me of the 50 states song we listened to our first week. We found lyrics and had fun singing along.

  5. We are learning the 50 states and capitals as well. :0) Also planning to add Apologia Anatomy Jr. in Oct.


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